I don't believe in astrology at all, though I do find it mildly amusing to read the horoscopes in the papers.
That said when I started at college I met this girl who used to catch the same train as me, we had only known each other for about a week when she wrote about 2 pages of a4 on me supposedly based on my birthdate and birth location and using astrology. This stuff was very specific and not anything we had talked about previously, I have always wondered how she figured some of this stuff out (it was just after I had left home and the witness thing and it was all still fresh and raw and was something I hadn't discussed with anyone at all)
I don't know perhaps she was very good at reading body language but it completely floored me when she gave me this horoscope. She didn't mention anything useful like what the next lottery numbers would be but it was quite accurate nevertheless, even if it didn't convince me about astrology.