Topics Started by Caedes
A whole decade?
by Caedes inaccording to the new software i have been here for ten years.
should i be getting parole around now?
doesn't time fly when you are having fun!
Is it a sheep or a goat?
by Caedes inso which biblical 'kind' is it, a sheep or a goat?
a rare, hybrid animal that is part goat and part sheep has been born on a farm in the republic of ireland.
dis-associated/disfellowshipped - are they the same?
by Caedes indo you have to formally dis-associate to count as such?
there seems to be a lot who are hounded to make a formal declaration to a judicial committee.. so my questions are (i would be very interested in references from the wt cdrom) - what is the official stance on those who simply stop going to meetings, do they count as disassociated by their actions?
should they be treated the same as those who are dis-fellowshipped?
What scripture do the JWs use to justify not partaking of the bread and wine?
by Caedes ini don't have any jw reference books or cds apart from a copy of the nwt.. can anyone tell me what scriptures the jws use to justify not partaking of the bread and wine at the memorial?.
terry mentioned this topic in a thread which i wouldn't want to derail..
What is your favourite boardgame?
by Caedes ini have recently been playing a number of interesting boardgames, most often agricola although le havre, pandemic, ticket to ride, carcassonne and space hulk have been popular too.. there are some very interesting card games out as well such as dominion and race for the galaxy.. i am looking forward to playing the great fire of london and merchants & marauders whenever i can get hold of them.. i particularly like agricola because it isn't very confrontational as a game, obviously there is a winner but you can have fun playing even if you come last.
some games you only win by destroying the other players ability to do anything interesting when playing the game, risk or monopoly for example.
anybody else have any particular favourite boardgame?
JWN only for ex-JWs?!
by Caedes inyizman,.
from what i remember, you have never been a jw.. so, then, why don't you just leave.. judge dread .
since when is this site only for ex-jws?
The houses of parliament are glowing purple!
by Caedes inpicked up from the rdfs website (sorry i can't seem to get the quote feature to work properly), enjoy!
members of parliament who criticised homeopathy have badly knotted chakras and are emitting an unhealthy purple aura, it was claimed last night.. .
as a committee of mps said the not-medicine was 14 times less efficient than writing a letter to jesus, homeopaths claimed the report had no credibility because it had not been buried for two weeks in a cocoon of damp horse chestnut leaves, directly over the right kind of ley line.. .
'Holy' water not so holy after all!
by Caedes in
the outbreak of the h1n1 virus has led many churches to suspend the tradition of having holy water in open fonts into which people dip their hands.. the new machine works like an automatic soap dispenser, squirting water when a hand is passed under the tap.. hmm, maybe they aren't really so sure it is 'holy' when it comes down to it.
'no atheists in foxholes'?
Evolution to be taught in primary school.
by Caedes inabout time..
the schools minister, diana johnson, has confirmed the plans will be included in a blueprint for a new curriculum to be published in the next few weeks.. it follows a letter signed by scientists and science educators calling on the government to make the change after draft versions of the new curriculum failed to mention evolution explicitly.. if only i had been taught evolution at primary school it might have helped me to realise exactly how much rubbish my parents were spouting.. i would love to know how 'faith' schools are going to get round this?.