Good point caedes although somewhat romantic.
I've been accused of many things on this forum but never that...
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Good point caedes although somewhat romantic.
I've been accused of many things on this forum but never that...
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
It's interesting that the adding water to the height of everest has such a negligible affect on gravity, in fact the variance is within the range of the value of gravity across the surface of the earth without adding any fictional flood waters!
As for prologos' hollow sphere with no gravity inside, I have some pretty deep mine shafts near me. You could come and put your hypothesis to the test! My money is on gravity having her way with you all the way to the bottom no matter how deep you went!
according to plato, the universe thrives on its own, dies and gets rebornall on its own and within itself.
the wise symbolized this concept in ouroboros, a serpent eating its own tail.
[even more wonderful is the marvel called a fruit-bearing treeit does not even eat its own fruit, but simply subsists on mostly what we may consider as dirt/refuse; and trees collectively perform yet another marvel of photosynthesis that make use of our wastes and give us oxygen, food, water, shelter, fiber..........................................[].
Therefore an external input is needed to sustain any closed loop cycle. So, how does the Universe thrive? Here is where Materialists bring in a STRANGE logic: There is someone [a cause] behind every equipment/device, but when something is too big as universe, there requires no Cause! [In other words, insignificant things need a creator whereas big things do not need a Creator] It’s like making a fuss about an insignificant item that has been stolen, but not being bothered at all about something very valuable that was stolen.
So what about the creator for your god, who created him? And who created his creator? etc etc.
It seems your criticism can be turned straight back at you, after all why are you worried about who created the universe when that gods creator must have been even more powerful? It’s like making a fuss about an insignificant item that has been stolen, but not being bothered at all about something very valuable that was stolen.
It is either elephants all the way down or you start special pleading. So which is it?
just curious to see how many on here like to carve up roads.
if so what type of bike and where do you ride.. 1987 yamaha fj1200.
1986 yamaha fj1200.
Honda CBR 600 although i have ridden various other bikes as well.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Caedes...Scottish culture will remain.
We would still remain part of these islands, we are not drifting into the atlantic.
Best wishes
I was not implying that scottish culture would cease to exist that would be a stupid thing to say, I am saying that culturally the united kingdom will be poorer if scotland is no longer part of it. I would say the same thing about cornwall, we have our fair share of people who think that cornwall should be independant.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Personally, I will be sad to see the scottish people leave the union (if that is what they choose) and I think we will both be poorer (culturally) for it.
That god exists and is real?
"a 9-year-old girl learning to fire a submachine gun accidentally killed her instructor at a shooting range when the weapon recoiled over her shoulder, according to arizona authorities.
another reason to go against those arguing that young children should be taught how to use guns.
Sure. In which one of my posts did you quote from where I allegedly said this?:
Well, I am going to have to guess what you are actually asking since your question appears to have been edited by someone with a Yoda-like grasp of basic grammar.
If you have to cherry-pick, misrepresent and lie to make your arguments, Caedes, maybe you shouldn't be making them. (post by ADCMS No.3363)
"There are ways to reduce the chance a 9 year old girl will shoot someone in the face with an uzzi accidentally kill herself colliding with a tree while downhill skiing: Dont give her a loaded uzzi and ask her to shoot it pair of skis and tell her to slalom."
So the next time we hear a story about a 9 year-old who gets into the driver's seat of the family car and accidentally kills her dad by running him over in the driveway, I expect to hear a lot of JWN posters call for the banning of automobiles. The only way to make cars safe is to make sure no one has one. (full post by ADCMS No.3266 italics mine)
Flawed logic caedes.
Accidents happen, whether through deliberate misuse of something or if all safety precautions have been observed.
A firearm is a tool (whether for hunting, self-defense or target shooting) and has an inherent risk in using it. Power saws and air nailers are also tools that have an inherent risk in their use. And, even when done safely, accidents still happen.
The difference is when a carpenter accidentally cuts off a finger or hand with a power saw, no one begins clamoring for the banning of power saws.
If this girl was being instructed in the use of an air nailer, and she accidentally killed her instructor with that air nailer, would you use the same argument you used above?? (Full Post by ADCMS No. 3267)
I see, so if she had killed the instructor with a .22 pistol ("bunny slope") instead of an Uzi ("black diamond run") it would count only as an unforseeable accident?
You must not have read the story, LisaRose. Your argument falls flat, she was "supervised and given instruction that would limit any danger". As I said, had the parents handed their daughter an Uzi, or any other firearm, and told her to go play, all these arguments people are making would be completely valid when the inevitable accident occurred. The fact is she was being instructed by a licensed professional in a controlled setting, a firing range.
Accidents happen. (Full post by ADCMS No. 3268, edited to remove the quote from the person you were replying to)
So those are the three posts where you make the argument that it is just an accident and that if we do anything to restrict childrens access to guns we have to ban cars, skiing, power tools and nail guns. I have quoted you in full, so I am not cherry picking or taking what you say out of context or even attributing something to you that you didn't say. So according to your post if you say that we should stop children shooting uzis we should also ban cars. So what are you saying now? Should we ban cars and and children shooting uzis or is that flawed logic?
There's a big difference between saying "this was an accident" and saying "we should do nothing". Not once in this entire thread have I said nothing should be done.
You went further than merely saying it was an accident as I have shown in your posts above.
So, Caedes, when you can be honest and admit you attributed a quote to me that I did not say, and have been quoting me out of context repeatedly, then you can thump your chest about being honest. However, if you want to continue to put words in my mouth and read into my posts information that simply isn't there, there's nothing I can do about that.
No, I have quoted you exactly and in full from three seperate posts. I haven't taken anything out of context, I have even agreed that you appear to now disagree with your earlier posts. So tell me, can you show me exactly where I have put words into your mouth? Can you be honest and admit that I have quoted you in full and that you still stand by the three posts quoted above? Do you understand by saying that it was just an accident and comparing this to an accident with a power saw you are diminishing what happened?
Ummm...I haven't changed my mind on anything I've said here from my first post. You keep telling me I have, and that is what's confusing you.
If you still stand by the posts that I quoted then you should be ashamed of yourself.
P.S. I did warn you that your statistics were laughable. Did you not realise the daily mail is the UK equivalent to the national enquirer?
after reading dozens and dozens of posts and hundreds of comments, it seems to me that a great many people on this forum think that since they figured out ttatt, they must therefore be a highly intelligent and incredibly rational individual.
let me take a moment to congratulate everyone.
its a big step to figure this out - i know.. that said, it doesn't make you a genius!
How to make friends and influence people! Now where is the popcorn?
"a 9-year-old girl learning to fire a submachine gun accidentally killed her instructor at a shooting range when the weapon recoiled over her shoulder, according to arizona authorities.
another reason to go against those arguing that young children should be taught how to use guns.
"There are ways to reduce the chance a 9 year old girl will shoot someone in the face with an uzzi accidentally kill herself colliding with a tree while downhill skiing: Dont give her a loaded uzzi and ask her to shoot it pair of skis and tell her to slalom."
So the next time we hear a story about a 9 year-old who gets into the driver's seat of the family car and accidentally kills her dad by running him over in the driveway, I expect to hear a lot of JWN posters call for the banning of automobiles. The only way to make cars safe is to make sure no one has one.
This is your post where you make a slippery slope argument that banning children from firing uzis would lead to banning skiing and cars. I am not sure how you would read this other than to conclude that the correct course of action is to do nothing since you are clearly not advocating the banning of cars, nail guns or skiing.
So you haven't been claiming throughout this thread that children should not be allowed to do this.
As to your other points, the UK has a much broader definition of violent crime than most countries so the comparison on violent crime is not comparable to the states. The comparison on gun crime is, gun crime in japan and the UK is negligible compared to the states.