I think you will find most of the answers you are looking for here... http://www.intelligentattraction.com/
That is certainly more intelligent than some of the comments I've seen on this thread.
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
I think you will find most of the answers you are looking for here... http://www.intelligentattraction.com/
That is certainly more intelligent than some of the comments I've seen on this thread.
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
Cades: this textbook discuss the shell therem and say the gravitational field is zero At p 24.
you can find a discussionon the difference with newtons and laplaces interpretation in most book on the history of science, iirc it is in b russels history of western phil. Great stuff.
I have had a look at the link and it does say the field is zero but doesn't explain why the field is zero rather than simply being a result of opposing forces.
I will see if I can get hold of the book you suggest.
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
The rise of the atmosphere to everest, the increased gravity form the water canopy.
You really haven't understood any of the last half dozen pages have you?
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
PS: There is the thought that pressure is energy, movement, and energy is equivalent to mass and mass is accompanied with gravity. but even that small additional energy-related gravity would not push, but equally divide about the center of it all.
It is debatable whether the hypthetical collapsing, impacting water canopy altered that pressure at all,or very much.
Yes, pressure is energy but it is not related to movement other than the fact that movement could be used to produce pressure. After that everything else in that sentence is wishy washy non-scientific woo.
No, it is not debatable at all. It is clear from that statement that you have no understanding of physics at all.
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
Caedes I am not questioning your reading skills, but I never said that the velocity of the faller in the shaft was zero at the center, The analogy to a pendulum is fitting, your protests only show your prejudices. The same formulae apply. Like a pendulum, the falling mass would oscillate with ever smaller amplitude and come to rest in the center, and then be un-moved, because it has found the one place all the plumb-bobs, or stopped pendulums pointed to: the center of no gravity, or balanced gravity if you will.
To add to that, during such a fall, inside a preferable evacuated shaft, the downward acceleration would be greatest near the surface, and at the center the traveller would be coasting. Because of any friction, the almost weightless floater would start falling from lower and lower heights from the center, would be moving slower and slower, come to a standstill or hangstill at the center, ceased to be accelerated
Since you are questioning my reading skills I have quoted your earlier post where you claim that during such a fall you would come to a stop at the centre. You seem to be confused about the difference between acceleration and velocity. You also seem to have a very short memory. I didn't disagree with 'your' pendulum analogy at any point, perhaps you are confusing me with someone else.
is it worth queing two weeks for a phone?
i mean why que two weeks for something we already have a phone?.
Well caedes i am kind of passionate about " PUSSY" Cats.
New hope,
You do know putting quotes around that makes it look like you are being suggestive? if so oo-err missus! otherwise me too, I have two cats.
I love my iPHone 4s. I won't be queueing up for the latest. I am ticked off because iOS requires 4 gig's of memory and is demanding I remove all my photos to make room. Well, what in the heck do I have an iPhone for, anyways?
That's ok, just put a memory card in the memory card slot and download them to that! Oh wait nevermind you said iphone!
Sorry, couldn't resist!
I used to have an iphone 4 and really liked it...apart from the lack of memory card slot of course!
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
Caedes, on the shaft: Of course the velocity of the falling object is at maximum at the center, like a pendulum which is falling too, just not as deep as THROUGH the center, but once ALL the potential energy of the falling object is converted into heat by friction, that maximum velocity is zero. The still pendulum, like all plum-bobs point to the center, where not just the side to side, but the up and down , ALL mass is balanced around them.
Since 'of course' the velocity at the centre is maximum why did you claim the opposite in your previous post?
Or are you now claiming that, yes the velocity is maximum at the centre but that velocity is zero? Really? I reckon the velocity would be about 7900m/s assuming there was no air friction, perhaps Bohm or Viviane could give a more accurate answer or confirm mine?
I have no idea what you are claiming to know about pendulums but my instincts are telling me it's probably wrong.
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
Caedes, you seem like a good egg. It was a pleasure conversing with you.
Why, thank you viviane. It was a pleasure talking to you too.
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
Caedes: I do not insist you are wrong under all definitions of the word "gravity", but I think you are wrong under the simplest. It is at any rate completely accurate to say there is no gravitational field inside the sphere (it is zero).
That is funny, because I generally work on the principle that any understanding I have of physics is the simplest one!
As I said earlier this is right at the edge of my understanding and you are correct I am looking at this from a purely newtonian point of view (as any engineer would)
I have had a look through a number of my old text books and read through some of the stuff I found online but I can't find anything that specifically states anything other than what my current understanding of shell theorem is. If you could recommend something that explains the difference I would be most interested.
my question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
Perhap as an example think of a ping pong ball hovering in a jet of air. The ping pong ball has two forces acting on it one from the gravity and one from the jet of air.
Is it correct to say there are no forces acting on that ball?