Whilst I admire that you seem genuinely interested in science and that is obviously a good thing; it sometimes sounds like you have swallowed a book by Deepak Chopra (who is an awful charlatan and fraudster).
what is at the fringes of the natural universe gives us indications what is outside of it. The Background radiation, (really younger than the big bang), The movement, radiation that signals that all that matter has disappeared, out of the universe into a black hole, leaving only it's effects. time stands still in these conditions, and you can not be part of the universe if you do not paricipate in its movement through time. Remember that we live in a fabric of spacetime that is moving, expanding, and black hole matter has left us.
As I have said several times there is no outside our universe, our natural universe is everything there is. It includes billions of of black holes, the entire microwave background radiation and all of space-time. If you don't believe me feel free to research it, there are are dozens of books that explain this stuff. I and several others here would be happy to recommend some if you want to really have a scientific understanding of the universe. I don't say this merely to disagree with you but because you seem to have missed some fundamental aspects of the scientific understanding of the universe.