I'm curious, what type of engineering scale do you carry in your pocket for when you need to measure how much money you have?
You get one issued to you upon graduation!
I am confused as to why anyone would use a scale, it doesn't even make sense if you were trying to claim that you were measuring the thickness of a wad of notes, since paper is compressible and it wouldn't be able to differentiate between different values of notes. thus this method wouldn't be much good as a way of counting money.
A scale rule is used (in olden times when everything was in black and white) as a way of producing and reading scale drawings (altering the size of an object so that it fits the size of the paper) so the increments are scaled to save you calculating the length each time.
Of course nowadays (anytime in the last 30+ years) we model everything in 3D at full size and if you need a drawing the computer automatically scales the drawing to whatever you think is appropriate.
Anyone who still uses a scale rule probably missed the start of the computer age.