Wasn't it in the hand, the sleeping black baby?
No, I'm pretty sure it was in his head! ...
err, I'll get my coat
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Wasn't it in the hand, the sleeping black baby?
No, I'm pretty sure it was in his head! ...
err, I'll get my coat
Never mind the fact that the construction above wouldn't even survive being floated, that keel wouldn't be capable of supporting that structure in the water if it isn't capable of supporting it on dry land
You can see the huge steel and concrete support structures going up through the entire structure.
Shows a lack of faith!
The irony of Kate posting this after the thread on guided evolution is monumental though.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
It's funny because if I have hard empirical evidence I would really enjoy it if people 'were out to prove me wrong' If all I had was magical thinking and flim-flammery then I would have good reason to be scared of a debate.
in 1966 microbiologist kwang jeon was studying a population of amoebae in the lab when they began to die off unexpectedly.
he noticed thousands of tiny dots in the cytoplasm of each individual which turned out to be a bacterial infection.
most of them weakened and died but surprisingly a small percentage recovered and seemed to be back to normal.
That was hilarious.
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Yet again you are displaying your ignorance to the world, carbon 14 dating is done by measuring the amount of carbon 14 in the sample. After 50000 years the rates of carbon 14 remain constant so Carbon 14 dating is of no use in dating something that is over 50000 years old. On fossils that are millions of years old the carbon 14 results achieved are from contamination. If you are going to accept the carbon 14 dating of those fossils then you have to accept all the other more appropriate scientific dating methods that would show the correct age.
attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of anne frank".
( he is 10 years old) i pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by anne frank, and i would educate my boy on why i believe this to be so.. in my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me.
i think it wrong that an educational system will i suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " anne frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.. freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
But the bigger issue I believe is that it's a properganda (sic) book, designed to make money on an an innocent girl. To do that they created in that diary an innocent first first love Anne & Peter, victims of a black and white world. It's totalproperganda (sic) and the message of hatred to the German nation I believe abhorrent.
I am a little confused about whether you think the big issue is freedom of speech, who authored the book or just espousing the views of Nazi sympathisers?
You are free to shout out how much you agree with Nazi sympathisers, it was written by Anne Frank and edited after her death, so what? Books are edited all the time, especially when you consider it was her diary. I can't see that keeping in the personal aspects of the diary would be of benefit to the reader. Neither of these points change the facts of what happened, she was caught and killed in a concentration camp by Nazis for the 'crime' of being Jewish. That is the biggest issue not your petty arguments over free speech or authorship.
What this means is that every reasonable person reading this thread just thinks you are either a Nazi sympathiser or just a complete and utter idiot, which is it?
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What if the Universe is 28, 336 years young?
What if each "day" of Creation was 3,760 years?
Then your version of young earth creationism would be as wrong as every other version, provably so.
attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of anne frank".
( he is 10 years old) i pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by anne frank, and i would educate my boy on why i believe this to be so.. in my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me.
i think it wrong that an educational system will i suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " anne frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.. freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
As far as I can see all of the criticisms leveled at the diaries are from Nazi sympathisers, so it's not as if the ones criticizing it have an agenda at all!
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Perry will never stick around to defend anything he posts on this topic, perhaps because he is a coward and has been proven wrong so many times in the past.
My favourite was when Leolaia schooled him on 'soft tissue' dinosaur fossils.
the new awake is up on jw.orgwith the legalization of gay marriage in many countries, they decided it was time to show: "what does thebible say about homosexuality?
"does the bible promote prejudice?still, some people would say that the bible promotes prejudice against homosexuals and that those who adhere to itsmoral code are intolerant.
‘the bible was written at a time when people were narrow-minded,’ they claim.
LUHE, did they not teach you how to do basic research at your university?
It's just a shame that expectations of our society are placed above the suffering of gay people in far-flung hell-holes by intelligent, Western, 'progressive' people who claim to care.
You are dismissive when you put the word progressive in scare quotes and stating "progressives claim to care" the insinuation being that they don't. The tone of your opinions on this matter clearly show your opinion of progressives and their viewpoint. The fact that you equate disagreeing with you as tolerating throwing people off buildings is ridiculous and quite frankly I doubt you would dare suggest such a thing in person.
At no point have I said that any opinions should not be questioned, I am stating that your argument seems to be that the responsibility for LGBT persecution is the fault of western progressives not being war mongery enough, I say your opinion should be questioned because of it's sheer stupidity.
Since we have had military action for some time now and the rights of the LGBT community has not improved by your reasoning that means that you are tolerating pushing gays off tall buildings?
It is interesting to note that you seem to be conflating a call for for military action against ISIS and condemnation of ISIS. The two are separate things and you can support one and not the other.
Here are some examples of the pressure western governments have bought against a number of countries on the subject of LGBT rights:
The American campaign on LGBT rights in Africa has been in the news a lot over the last few years, I am quite surprised that you are not better informed on a subject you claim to care about so deeply.
The fact that these regimes are often propped up by western governments does not have anything to do with the fact that pressure has been put on a large number of countries to improve their LGBT rights.
What evidence do you have that progressives are dictating the issues that the LGBT community care about?
Pushing gays off buildings is way down the list, it seems.
Is that apart from the evidence I showed you earlier showing how high up on the list it is?