It is lone individuals with the vast majority law abiding citizens, hardly a force threatening the world or randomly butchering strangers or critics in the same way.
That is exactly what you have in the muslim community the vast majority are law abiding citizens. The people who commit these acts are lone individuals with tenuous links to ISIS. There are plenty of doctors at abortion clinics who might have a different opinion about the dangers of christian extremists.
There's a difference between tit-for-tat violence and applying justice and enforcing law and order. The rules change when there is an outright war scenario but there comes a point where people cannot be contained or rehabilitated and the only course left is to remove them from the world.
I haven't disagreed that force is needed, I just disagree that the 'kill them all' rhetoric is helpful or conducive to defusing the situation. The situation is not outright war it's terrorism and the terrorists can merge back into the general population at a moments notice and we have no way to counter that short of genocide.