Since science has restricted its experimentation to a field which prevents analysis of the entire scope of my reality, why should I imagine that in 10,000 years they will discover anything outside its self-limiting scope? Is it likely that Science will discover God when they aren't looking for God? I say, given our history, they will more likely discover a strange invisible "something" that exerts tremendous force on physical bodies, can cause planets, stars, and galaxies to come into existence, and can even bend light. When they find this something, they won't know what it is, but that won't stop them from giving it a name. They'll make up a name for it.
What is gravity?
Old soul
First last shall we? Currently nobody "knows" what gravity actually is, you know this or you wouldn't be asking the question. The important point is that science is attempting to find the answers, Answers that I have little doubt will mean very little to me except for a knowledge that somebody understands how my feet stay on the ground (an appeal to authority I know but bear with me) If I chose to, I could try and understand the maths involved and be able to say yes I know that this is fact but would that make a difference?
Last century your question could have been "what is electricity?" and in the next fifty years it could be "what is quantum entanglement?" But would the answer to the latter satisfy you? It is extremely unlikely that it would since the answer is likely to reside within some very specialist mathematical fields that do not make sense from a "common sense" point of view. Science gives answers regardless of their intuitiveness or lack of it (more of the latter these days) if science was merely a belief system attempting to get bums on seats for the sunday collection then it would attempt to appeal to the masses at every opportunity.
Will science discover some more answers that raise more questions? Yes, Will I find evidence of something supernatural in this world? Possibly but past experience tells me that I wont since I have yet to see one shred of evidence to support anything supernatural in my entire life and there has been not one independant repeatable experiment that shows any evidence of the supernatural in any form. So yes science will make up a name for this new force of yours, after that it's up to god to prove he exists, after all he was the one that made us this thirsty for knowledge, this inquisitive and this cynical? didn't he?
You asked about occams razor earlier, well I think it is the most telling argument, either you believe that the universe came about entirely by natural means or you invent some more complicated means.
Your main argument seems to be that science will never find god because they only deal with our perceived reality, well surely if you have any faith in human science and absolute faith in your god then surely science will eventually discover "proof of gods existence" out there somewhere.
As always a pleasure to bandy words with you