I'm shocked!
Posts by Caedes
Do you kiss your dog?
by AK - Jeff in.
and is it just a peck or a nice wet one on the nose?.
jeff [of the i am bored tonight class]
Would you???
by BlessedStar inyou've heard about jesus.. you've choosen to believe or not to believe.. you've accepted jesus or you haven't.. let's say jesus came down now for his people.what would you do or say to jesus if you now know he is true?
(keeping in mind that god is the judge and some people will go to heaven and most will burn in hell!!).
"Chap, you really need to do something about your followers. They are going crazy down here, You really need to reel them in and get them under control. How about a new book? Out with the old and new testament, in with the new easy to understand christianity for dummies.
You could do with just spelling things out for these people, perhaps start off with the the fact that you can't just knock up a functioning earth in six days and that these things take time even if you are god. Perhaps you could cover the whole killing people is always bad thing as well, as not all your followers caught that one last time round. Obviously I don't want to tell granny how to suck eggs but you really left a mess last time you were here so sort it out.
Oh any chance of a bit of the old healing miracle while you're here?
Real evangelism powered by the Holy Spirit
by Shining One inas jws we all were forced to participate in their evangelistic method.
i think that it is based primarily on fear.
here is an article about true, holy spirit powered evangelism.
I predict the sinning one's contribution to be on the wane in this thread.
Paintball and Lazertag - Can True Christians Play?
by truthseeker ina friend in my congregation enjoys playing paintball from time to time.
others play lazertag.
now, while these may imitate the "concepts of war", has there been any society comments on these games?
Going out and getting rid of all that pent up aggression means I'm far less likely to go postal down at the kh. The barstewards should be grateful!
Why have you rejected all forms of faith?
by AlmostAtheist init seems that when a person leaves jw's, there's just no telling where he'll end up spiritually.
christian, jew, pagan, jamesthomasism -- i dare say every faith is represented among us.. but there are those that reject faith altogether.
they are often accused of letting the watchtower steal god from them, or throwing the baby out with the bath.. are you one those that rejected faith altogether after your exit?
Not everything can or should be interpreted in strictly rational terms even in this age of rationalism when the heart has gone into the head.
Greendawn even a cynical old rationalist like me knows that you have to appreciate a waterhouse painting with your heart and your head. (I assume your avatar is a waterhouse or one of the pre-raphaelite brotherhood)
billions of people through the centuries would attest that they have observed god's hand in their lives and so their faith is actually a knowledge of his existence...
Doogie, argumentum ad populum tsk tsk
Why have you rejected all forms of faith?
by AlmostAtheist init seems that when a person leaves jw's, there's just no telling where he'll end up spiritually.
christian, jew, pagan, jamesthomasism -- i dare say every faith is represented among us.. but there are those that reject faith altogether.
they are often accused of letting the watchtower steal god from them, or throwing the baby out with the bath.. are you one those that rejected faith altogether after your exit?
Sorry, no, you don't understand me "correctly". I am not speaking of belief in a "god that is everywhere and in all things"; but rather no beliefs, no conceptual imagery at all, one way or the other. What is conscious-being-ness unveiled of all filters (thoughts and beliefs) of the mind?
Shift attention inward; take away all that can be taken away; look through everything that appears. What, is here now, actual and real, beneath it all?
You are correct in that if I were speaking of another "belief", it would be just more spin. If it is a belief or a concept, it's not what I am referring to. If it can be objectified, it ain't it. If it can be spoken or thought, you're missing it.
I'm afraid what you describe sounds like nothing or tohu va vohu , If you can't even begin to descibe your beliefs/faith/worldview, what use is it? What you say sounds like spin and fustian rhetoric, but I am interested to hear what you really think.
I must confess I am my usual skeptical self and it really just sounds like you don't believe in anything but lack the conviction to say so. For instance you talk about self-awareness without the thoughts and beliefs (or filters) of the mind, this phrase doesn't mean anything except in a spiritual sense since your self-awareness is intrinsically linked to your thought processes from a mechanistic point of view.
How fast are you?
by JH inhttp://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ .
download 4776 kbps .
upload 566 kbps
158mph ... in the right circumstances of course.
Marzipan Babies
by misanthropic ini got this in an email this morning and this was so incredible i thought i would share it with everyone......
marzipan babies
these are made with marzipan....really unbelievable!
reminds me of the old joke "Do you like children?" ; ... "Yes, but I couln't eat a whole one"
I should warn everyone that from here on it's but a short step to the dead baby jokes.
Marzipan Babies
by misanthropic ini got this in an email this morning and this was so incredible i thought i would share it with everyone......
marzipan babies
these are made with marzipan....really unbelievable!
Does nobody read my posts anymore?!?!? They're not marzipan, people. They're made from clay!!!
No wonder those babies weren't very tasty.
Why have you rejected all forms of faith?
by AlmostAtheist init seems that when a person leaves jw's, there's just no telling where he'll end up spiritually.
christian, jew, pagan, jamesthomasism -- i dare say every faith is represented among us.. but there are those that reject faith altogether.
they are often accused of letting the watchtower steal god from them, or throwing the baby out with the bath.. are you one those that rejected faith altogether after your exit?
To have faith and belief in a God, or to believe and have faith there is no God, is simply two sides of the same spinning concoction within the mind.
If I understand you correctly, you believe that god is everywhere and in all things?
If so I would place your belief system firmly on the god side of your spinning concoction. I see little difference between an external god or an all-encompassing one, it's still part of the god myth that I don't believe.