I see they're letting the crazy people use the internet again.
Some people really need to get out there and experience the world.
i feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
I see they're letting the crazy people use the internet again.
Some people really need to get out there and experience the world.
which child is wiser?
while starting a hunt for easter eggs one child runs to a big tree and finds nothing then that childs brother says, go look under that rock i promise youll find one there!
the child throws down their basket and says, i give up!
My point is that you probably can prove that erotic love exists, at the very least it is a chemical reaction within our bodies and could be detected and possibly even quantified. Love is not some extraordinary claim in the way that the existence of gods is an extraordinary claim, and so doesn't need empirical evidence. I apologize for not playing the game but just for you, atheism isn't about 'proving' god doesn't exist and just for the record I would admit that there is the possibility that you are right and I am wrong. The qualifier of course is that I could also be wrong about fairies and unicorns too.
As for you 'proof' love isn't a scientific fact, well if your loved one doesn't make your heart beat faster then I'm sorry to say it probably isn't love! You and your loved one have my sympathy.
which child is wiser?
while starting a hunt for easter eggs one child runs to a big tree and finds nothing then that childs brother says, go look under that rock i promise youll find one there!
the child throws down their basket and says, i give up!
The thing about personal testimony is that how believable it is depends on the likelihood of the claim. If I claim something highly unlikely, that my missing brother (to use your example) is a multimillionaire playboy with a garage full of posh cars, and is having an affair with liz hurley then you are unlikely to believe me. You would expect to see some evidence to back up a highly unlikely claim. The same goes for claims of gods, fairies and unicorns. You have to have some empirical evidence to back up your claims and there is none.
As for the example of love, nobody needs empirical data because we are all aware of the reality of emotional states through our interactions with other people. Is it a highly unlikely claim? No, so we can go with the evidence of our personal experiences. Of course you could investigate love empirically and do brain scans of people interacting with loved ones and see what the differences are between them and people interacting with strangers and aquaintances. I would be interested to see your results!
So in short you have to have strong empirical evidence to back up unlikely claims.
On another point you raised regarding the galaxy that is vying for position of the furthest (or oldest depending on how you wish to look at it) object we can see, the jury is still out on that one but any light coming from that galaxy is now 13billion years old and the point of origin of that light has been moving in that 13billion years, if it still exists that point is now over 70billion light years away! Just pop size of the universe in google and like me be astounded that anyone actually understands this stuff!
which child is wiser?
while starting a hunt for easter eggs one child runs to a big tree and finds nothing then that childs brother says, go look under that rock i promise youll find one there!
the child throws down their basket and says, i give up!
You seem like an intelligent chap, would the answers you've had from the atheists here lead you to question your pre-suppositions? I mean every one of the replies you've had should lead you to realise that atheism isn't quite the bleak existence you supposed. I mean hopeless is a pretty charged term to use, I have never felt hopeless because of my atheism and I very much doubt you will find one who does. Is my hope so meaningless because my hopes are based around what I can acheive in this life and not in some supposed afterlife?
I also wonder how you feel your evangelizing compares to what you claim atheist's do when they present a rationalist worldview.
By the way I would try hard not to reply with the 'I've been where you are now' line, if you don't mind!
many here seem to believe that the position of agnosticism is somehow more reasonable than theism or atheism.
it is a misconception to believe that belief or non-belief in the existence of god/s are the two extremes which glare at each other over the fence of agnosticism.
I would describe myself as being an atheist (militant wing) and I agree with the various posters who have pointed out that atheism in fact means a lack of belief in god/s and as such agnosticism essentially means the same thing. However words do change their meaning and unfortunately it's a completely democratic process, the average person in the street would say that agnosticism means not knowing if god exists and atheism is a 'belief' that god does not exist. Eventually I think that is what the dictionaries will say and at that point someone will no doubt come up with yet another word to describe what most atheists believe i.e that the existance of god is impossible to prove or disprove but is as likely as there being fairies in the garden, I think I shall call it atheignosticism (tm). I know it's really atheism but if joe schmo on the street thinks it means something else then it's time for a new word.
Anyway my point is words change, there is little point in pretending otherwise.
this just made me laugh.. http://aistigave.hit.bg/logistics/.
This just made me laugh.
just saw this video, it's one of my favourite bands, well ok a cover of a song by one of my favourite bands.. i'm not a big fan of gnarls barkley but quite a good cover and a brilliant video.. http://www.videosift.com/story.php?id=15473.
Just saw this video, it's one of my favourite bands, well ok a cover of a song by one of my favourite bands.
I'm not a big fan of Gnarls barkley but quite a good cover and a brilliant video.
i think i just wet myself!....
I LOVE tigers, especially the really WILD ones!!!!
Oh good show! I am officially a homicidal psycho jungle cat so I guess that makes me pretty wild!
I have a special way of waking them up in the morning too.
I would like to make a suggestion
You can make any suggestion you like!!!
<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 { font-size: 14px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; } .style3 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #e8b303; } .style4 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #a9a4b8; } --> "there are no atheists in a foxhole"old soliders' adage this discussion was brought about by curiosity as to why in-.
dividuals have become atheists seeing that at one time they.
professed a belief in god.. the intent is not to argue, debate, or incite to riot.
To go with Primate Dave's post here it is with pictures using lego.
Apologies if someone has posted this here before:
All helpful stuff
i think i just wet myself!....
Glad you liked the video.
So how do you stand on the issue of human-tiger relationships? Would you like to wake up next to something long, warm and a bit furry?