What a load of rubbish, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Every single one of the fear mongering points you have made have been debunked so many times it is ridiculous. The average muslim has exactly the same opinion of terrorism that anyone else does. It is a tiny minority of fundamentalists that commit acts of terrorism. They are no more responsible for terrorism than the average right winger is responsible for Anders Breivik or Robert Dear.
Personally as an atheist I think people have a right to practice their religion, the fact that there has been atrocities and genocide committed by atheists doesn't make me responsible for those either.
The cold hard facts are that if what you were saying is true then considering the millions of muslims there are in the world then there should be thousands of terrorist acts in nearly every country in the world every day.
Despite your claim that people who disagree with you are emotional and touchy feely is very hypocritical when your entire set of posts is based on fear, hysteria and paranoia, I think you should stop being so emotional and look at the facts and figures. Look up what percentage of muslims it is that commit these crimes.
The sad thing is ISIS love people like you, they want people like you to blame all muslims and to start patrolling muslim neighborhoods and making life difficult for innocent muslims because it plays into ISIS' propaganda. You are helping recruit people to ISIS so, no, I will not be helping you do that.
The very fact that refugees want to come to places not consumed in civil war says a lot more about how muslims feel about western (nominally Christian) countries and western culture than your hate filled invective does.