I'm not even sure you are here to preach since this thread doesn't exactly paint you and your beliefs in a good light.
Just here for the lols?
mathematically measuring evolution.. when judging relationships in terms of morphological characteristics we will always be bound by the subjective.
morphologically one cannot exactly measure the distance between two organisms strictly in mathematical terms.
using the standard method of taxonomy we cannot quantify the difference between a horse and a mouse, or know which is closer mouse to cat, or mouse to fish.
I'm not even sure you are here to preach since this thread doesn't exactly paint you and your beliefs in a good light.
Just here for the lols?
atheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
I have just re-read it and it's clearly misleading and he is not clear they are still foxes, the paragraph makes it sound like they are now dogs.
The nearest he gets is the statement that they have dog-like features, how on earth do you read that as misleading? So just to be clear Dawkins does not make the claim that they became dogs and wolves, as I correctly surmised the problem was your mistake.
Animals can't go back up the evolutionary tree and then pop down an adjacent branch, the tree is metaphorical but it is also historical. What can happen is that populations of animals adapt over time as clearly happened in the example given and that there is possibly a link between some morphological features and tameness in some closely related animal species.
atheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
What you failed to mention of course is the problems with the handful of references to christ (and even more rarely Jesus).
The fact that some lived long after Jesus supposedly lived, some were only to found in christian translations written long after the author had died. some were blatantly added to the original text.
So I have some serious doubts as to whether Jesus even existed, I have no doubt that even if he were real there is not a single shred of corroborating evidence that he resurrected and flew up to heaven.
The credibility of an ancient text depends entirely how many supernatural stories it tells.
mathematically measuring evolution.. when judging relationships in terms of morphological characteristics we will always be bound by the subjective.
morphologically one cannot exactly measure the distance between two organisms strictly in mathematical terms.
using the standard method of taxonomy we cannot quantify the difference between a horse and a mouse, or know which is closer mouse to cat, or mouse to fish.
We are going around and around because you are here to preach rather than have a discussion, all of the points you have cut & pasted have been answered by multiple people but you still trot out the same old thing hoping that nobody notices.
Why not try stating what you believe in your own words rather than trying (and failing) to tell others what they think. If you think that you are unable to articulate your own views what on earth makes you think that you are in a position to tell atheists what they think, the sheer hypocrisy of that is just mind blowing.
It is painfully clear that you don't understand the material you are posting.
I am pretty sure I have only presented things factually rather than with any hostility, you can choose to interact with other posters in a meaningful or constructive way at any time. I would think that would be the best way to rescue any chance of having a discussion of the topic.
atheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
There isn't much evidence for the life of Jesus either.
Harry Potter mentions Kings Cross train station, since I was in King's Cross train station earlier this year does that mean that Hogwarts is real?
atheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
Dawkins lead me to believe they changed species to dogs and wolves.
Care to show where professor Dawkins stated that? I have a feeling that the mistake was yours alone and that professor Dawkins didn't make any such claim.
mathematically measuring evolution.. when judging relationships in terms of morphological characteristics we will always be bound by the subjective.
morphologically one cannot exactly measure the distance between two organisms strictly in mathematical terms.
using the standard method of taxonomy we cannot quantify the difference between a horse and a mouse, or know which is closer mouse to cat, or mouse to fish.
Yes that is from Stephen Myers. Copied from a website wrong. Copied from his book yes. So I am guilty of not citing, As if the pro evolutionist in this discussion cite what they copy and paste. Either way that is a straw man argument. Why not address the topic instead of attacking character. Does something become untrue because it was copied?
Actually most of the posters on the science side of this topic are either knowledgeable enough to talk about the subject without copy and pasting whole articles or do actually mention where their information comes from.
I have addressed the topic previously, you ignored the answers presented to you because you don't understand what you are copying and pasting.
If I attack your character without reason (I did provide evidence of your intellectual dishonesty so I have reason) that would be an ad hominen not a straw man fallacy. I am afraid that what you posted has always been wrong and I have stated why previously, it is up to you to go back and have a go at actually listening for once.
Now what are your scientific qualifications again?
atheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
Rather save my money, After reading multiple pro evolution books I noticed they all had a common thread. It was more speculation and imagination than science.
I don't think you have read any evolutionary science books so how about telling us which ones you claim to have read.
Unless you are waiting for evidence that Santa or the Tooth Fairy exist, you are taking the position of a hard Atheist.
I'm not waiting for evidence of a god either, theists always come up short on evidence for their particular flavour of sky-daddy. I'm not a hard atheist because I am not making a claim that a god doesn't exist, although I fully expect you to try and tell me what I am thinking. So what is your evidence for your god? Can you define your god?
Instead of trying to tell others what they believe why not explain in your own words what kind of god you believe in? Or would that be too difficult? Is it just not in your script?
mathematically measuring evolution.. when judging relationships in terms of morphological characteristics we will always be bound by the subjective.
morphologically one cannot exactly measure the distance between two organisms strictly in mathematical terms.
using the standard method of taxonomy we cannot quantify the difference between a horse and a mouse, or know which is closer mouse to cat, or mouse to fish.
I get penalized for being prepared. Yes I copy and paste. Both my work and other. When other’s it is cited. Don’t you do the same by posting links. Does copy and paste equate to being wrong? Let's stop with the distractions and address the subject matter.
The link I posted showed where you copied from, there was no citation on your post, you have hardly cited anything in any of your posts.
The reason that people dislike copy and paste is where it is used rather than actually having a conversation, it shows that you do not understand what is being explained to you and that you are not really here for the answers to your 'questions' anyway.
I suspect that most of your posting is copy and paste from creationist websites. You have had solid evidence shown to you that refutes the statements you have C&Ped and yet you keep on posting them here and complaining that nobody has addressed them, they have, you ignore them. This is why you are rightly being called a troll.
What are your actual scientific qualifications? I suspect that you have none since you seem to have zero understanding of the things that you copy & paste and you either don't read or don't understand the answers presented to you.
so it is now two days after another islamic terrorist attack.
how many muslims are in the streets protesting and condemning this evil?
how many are marching in all the big cities condemning this in mass protests?.
1) Nobody here is saying to kill anybody because of their religion; shameful of you to even suggest such a thing.
Swords and bullets, military strength, is the only thing Islam understands or respects.
I just think it's idiotic. If someone is vowing to kill you and thinks you should be wiped out, I am all for shooting them in their beardy faces first.
Quoted from this thread.
Personally I have no problem with the military being used against ISIS, and perhaps Simon has a more nuanced view of this than his posts suggest but please don't suggest that this thread does not have very hawkish tone when the quotes are there to see.
Let's have a look at your claim in your OP that no muslims were protesting and when shown evidence your comment is;
Hashtags, vigils, candles. We've had this before, dozen times already. Did it do anything?
What will you say when the next terror attack occurs? More hashtags? More candles? More Facebook profile filters?
Make your mind up, have you seen none or dozens? If they are so ineffectual then why are you complaining that muslims don't do them?