The problem is that most christians see the bible as literal, and in fact some of the more problematic parts of the bible are clearly written as law and instruction. That leads to the problem of what you hope to get from the bible, because if you use it to teach yourself something about life and how to interact with your fellow man then how do you differentiate the parts telling you it's ok to enslave other humans? If that is part of the book then it holds no moral authority.
The comment you made earlier that worldly things tear down and how holy things build up is a good example, on what basis can you make that claim? I would say that the state of a good number of countries put lie to that claim. After all according to you the Scandinavians as some of the most godless and secular countries in the world, must be inundated with crime and corruption? American prisons must be full of atheists hedonistically crime spreeing their way through life?
But we both know that the opposite is true.