Why have different sections then ?
Friends is good for whatever ... surely? We can't be thinking JW - JW - JW all day ....
just remember this website is for topics only jw related so there.. "resistance is futile"
Why have different sections then ?
Friends is good for whatever ... surely? We can't be thinking JW - JW - JW all day ....
bleep said something critical of bill bowen....the post was deleted.
did it use profanity/unaccepted curse words?
deleting stuff is ok......but the board can deal with it, especially posters like 'bleep'.
hillary step
Hi there -
Yes, as long as the opinion is held within the context of the website and not abuse for the sake of abuse, then yes, it should be allowed to stay. If one poster wants to have a go at Bill Bowen, then let him/her. They have a right to that opinion and it is for Bill's squad, to step in and defend him if they want to.
Of course there have to be rules, but not so strict that we are not allowed to view an alternate take on an issue. Personally, I would allow a person to air their racist/sexist/whatever views and then fight back with common sense, I would hope in this way, at some stage they would learn a little? If we simply delete posts which are not abusive as such, then it is a control that I think is unfair.
Having said all of that, I wasn't even allowed to see bleeps post, so I have no idea what the overall content was....
bleep said something critical of bill bowen....the post was deleted.
did it use profanity/unaccepted curse words?
deleting stuff is ok......but the board can deal with it, especially posters like 'bleep'.
Using the right to censor in this way, is out of line.
Bleep has a right to his own opinion, we don't have to share it of course.
hi, i just had to submit this.
my 27 mo.
old granddaughter and i came back to our place yesterday from our usual friday outing.
I agree :o)
dear mr. bowen,.
i want to commend and thank you for standing up to the bully-like organization know as the watchtower society.
this so-called christian congregation has heaped missile upon missle on you and others (including all silentlambs) so as to obliterate you and your cause.
I'm not sure what I think mate .... still trying to work it all out in my mind. I can fully understand his actions and applaud them though.
even though we were all raised with the firm doctrine that absolutely nothing happens to you after death, (except for those baptized before 1935 of course), does anyone here think that maybe something does happen after we die?
i've seen some programs about people that have reported having near death experiences.
while this doesn't offer proof, i find it very strange that one individual, during her nde, repeated a conversation she heard on an entirely different floor in the hospital while she was clinically dead.
I believe most things are possible, even the seemingly impossible, but in this area - I am unsure. I would love to believe, but I currently think we whither and die like a flower. Crumble into dust, back to the ground, forming soil. Forgotten and lost.
sniff .... sob
dear mr. bowen,.
i want to commend and thank you for standing up to the bully-like organization know as the watchtower society.
this so-called christian congregation has heaped missile upon missle on you and others (including all silentlambs) so as to obliterate you and your cause.
Do you think Bills real intention is to blow up the Watch Tower Society ??
you might think i'm being picky here, please dont take this the wrong way.
the thing is, i'm stuggling with my health at the moment and am going in hospital to see if my cancer has spread.. heres my gripe: some people (noone on this board) say to me, over and over, that they know someone who had skin cancer and they're fine now....how they can just remove the mole and everything is fine.
well for the purposes of educating people:.
Nothing more to add - just feel sorry for you, it must be awful to have that kicking around in the back of your mind. I know it would get me down :o(
Hope everything goes ok ....
just another page from the pagan daybook of mine.. .
august 15, 2002. thursday - the of thunor, or thor, the god of thunder and agriculture.. .
festival of arianrod, the great mother goddess, end of the dog days.
Just had the feeling that it wasn't right for me -thats all :o)
They were freakzoids though :oP
Gotta go to bed - cya later ....... nighty, night
just another page from the pagan daybook of mine.. .
august 15, 2002. thursday - the of thunor, or thor, the god of thunder and agriculture.. .
festival of arianrod, the great mother goddess, end of the dog days.
Well, they are distant memories now. But the head of the coven (is that right?) was very proud of his collection of animal bones - skulls and the like and had them strewn around the main room of worship, on shelves.
They gave me litrature on the Wiccan belief system, which I took away with me and ploughed through. My friends sister also tried her best to explain what she believed, which gave me an overview.
They told me they were a force for good and would create rituals focused upon personal peace and inner development (along with nature worship). But, I became suspicious of their motive, when one member turned up at a meeting with a picture of his ex-wife, who then bound it with twine and we were encouraged to focus negativity upon the item. If I remember correctly, the photo was in a small copper pot in the centre of the circle that had been cast.
There are other tales .... but, suffice to say, I was outta there. Bloody freakzoids.
I was convinced after I left that they were chanting evil down upon me, so I returned back to the Bible, where I always felt safe.