^^^^ You are right, when you are mind controlled and because of the pressure involved in speaking against it, there are many that would find any explanation no matter how ridiculous, as long as it came from the GB and WBTS. It's sad really.
JoinedPosts by Layla33
Do Most Witnesses know about UN SCANDAL?
by Abandoned init seems to me that most witnesses still don't know about the un scandal.
since it has been such a useful tool in helping people see the truth about the lying duplicity of the watchtower, how can we get this message out to more in the organization?
Do Most Witnesses know about UN SCANDAL?
by Abandoned init seems to me that most witnesses still don't know about the un scandal.
since it has been such a useful tool in helping people see the truth about the lying duplicity of the watchtower, how can we get this message out to more in the organization?
I do not understand how anyone that have been in the religion for any length of time can swallow that big UN lie.
I remember so much how the JW painted the UN, how it professes that it was the wild beast and all kind of heralding of the end.
I remember being told that when the UN turned on the JW organization, Armageddon will begin. So there is no possible explanation that this organization can give regarding their JOINING the organization that wrote against for years on end.
I have a theory. Please take my poll!
by changeling ini'd like you all to tell me 2 or 3 things:.
1- were you raised a witness or not?.
2-if you were, was your family very "theocratic" or not so much?.
1. Yes.
2. Very theocratic.
3. Buddhist and have been for over five years.
Does the Watchtower know more than Jesus?
by JH inthe watchtower, with all the years they predicted the end, and all the years they said something invisible happened up there in heaven, do they know more than jesus, who said, "only my father in heaven knows"...
The "watchtower" the biggest farce of religious (dis) information ever to sent forth to the masses.
To be honest, this was one of the biggest things that started me questioning this religion. Why are people taking the words of the "watchtower" as the alpha and omega, I don't even know who the writers are, and they sure don't know me, so how is it they are churning out these publications monthly and I am supposed to "follow" (as in sheep) everything they say?
What Does it Mean to Suffer Mental Anguish?
by journey-on inif you are hauled in to a jc and disfellowshipped and your whole support system of family and friends.
turn against you and shun you because they've been indoctrinated to do so by the wts, can.
you suffer mental anguish?
Oh I haven't been involved in the JW religion for 18 years. So I hope anyone else that is still in can get the courage to get out. And looking back, I don't know how I ever believed those lies for so long. My heart goes out to any still caught in the struggle.
What did you learn as a JW that helps you in your work today
by Lady Lee innote: if you are cautious about being outted then be very careful what you post.. the biggest thing i learned was sign language.
after i left i had a few jobs interpreting.. public speaking - didn't help me at all - that could be because speaking to someone else on the platform doesn't gives women an opportunity to address the audience.
i took a intro course in public speaking that was far better than 22 years of the ministry school.. i'm thinking .
The only thing I learned that is valuable is speaking in front of large audiences.
What Does it Mean to Suffer Mental Anguish?
by journey-on inif you are hauled in to a jc and disfellowshipped and your whole support system of family and friends.
turn against you and shun you because they've been indoctrinated to do so by the wts, can.
you suffer mental anguish?
But if you all here know that this is fact, then why do so many join and continue this satanic bs? The only way to stop this s%$t is to break free. Otherwise you that are still in and continue to allow the WT to flourish. This is too corrupt to allow to continue. I urge those still in to make changes to your lives to move away from the lies, the deceit, the pain. I can only answer from my own personal observation and that is that it is easier said then done. For me, I HAD NO CHOICE. I was born into the JW religion. From the time I was born that was it, I was so indoctrinated that I wasn't even allowed to associate or talk to people that were not witnesses. When you are raised like that, your formative years arranged, your entire family or both sides believe this, can you imagine how hard it is to even question something in your mind? It took me years to even question it. Imagine now that you know some of it is BS and you start realizing that it's pretty much all a lie, you have to look at your entire support system; your family, your friends, your whole way of life and consider starting over. There are plenty of people that don't have the strength to walk away because it would be losing their friends and family and on that alone, they would rather stay knowing they believe different. The only thing I can even start to compare it to is in the Matrix when Neo wakes up in the "real world". You shiver, you are chilled, you need to rest and figure out to program your mind and brain to think differently. You have to start over completely, lose people that you love sometimes more than your own life (family) and find new friends - which adds up to a lot of time being alone. I agree with you about urging people to change and move away, but I do understand the battle it takes to do it. It's just not an easy process at all.
I love HOT WINGS...
by zeroday ini could eat a hundred of them at one sitting (ok maybe 50) but i love them....
I like the mild and once and a while. It's a nice treat. I like to dip them in blue cheese dressing or ranch. For some reason I live Pizza Hut's Hot Wings and for those in the know, Vocelli Pizza has some of the best hot wings (mild) I have ever had outside of my own.
What Does it Mean to Suffer Mental Anguish?
by journey-on inif you are hauled in to a jc and disfellowshipped and your whole support system of family and friends.
turn against you and shun you because they've been indoctrinated to do so by the wts, can.
you suffer mental anguish?
Sure it is mental anguish, it does not have to be a permanent state. Things happen in our lives that are hurtful, painful, stressful, things we can't control, you made will try to make sense out it and can't and you will feel mental anguish and probably some depression.
The bottom line is to not focus on it as something that will harm you forever. It is like falling down and hurting your knee, of course you will feel pain, that's the same thing as the mind. If you encounter an unpleasant event, of course it will cause mental anguish. It is permanent? Has it harmed you on a constant basis? Is it impeding your ability to function in everyday life? Those are much larger questions that now touch upon something a little bit more harmful, but mental anguish in itself is not a bad thing, it is a human thing, it's a reaction.
Warning To All Posters Here!!!
by SWALKER ini just found out that a dear friend of mine was outed by a poster on this board!!!
i am soooooo angry and disgusted it's hard to contain at the moment!
so to all those out there that are trying to fade and get other family members out, don't let anyone know who you are!!!
I have to say that this is one of the reasons I haven't truly communicated much with anyone here. Thank you to all who have written me privately and I have responded to a few people, but beyond just the one or two exchanges, I am still trying to find my comfort zone and know everyone. I feel like I am on a learning curve. I do want to get to know people who can understand where I am coming from, but at the same time I want to be cautious and just get a better feel for this site.