JoinedPosts by Dennis
Traitors and heroes.
by Norm inthe whitewashed history of the watchtower society in nazi germany.. the man who became leader of the german branch of the watchtower society after the war is without exception portrayed as a beacon of virtue and faith, standing fearless against the nazis:.
*** w89 5/1 12 jehovah has sustained me as a friend ***.
many of the loyal ones, among them erich frost and konrad franke, who suffered much for the lords sake and later became branch overseers in germany, returned alive from the fiery furnace of persecution.. .
What do you feel when you see groups of Jehovah's Witnesses on the street?
by nicolaou inregret, anger frustration?
how about sadness, sorrow, sympathy, understanding, even yearning!.
it can be quite confusing at times.
Delighted to see faith in action. Also proud.
They said bad things about the Christ, similar to the ones who have deviated and make rude comments in this questionaire.
The Watchtower Says 1 In 4 Persons Likely To Have A Mental Illness!
by minimus inthat's on their you believe this?
Ones reading and responding negatively to the article seem to like to deviate from original, consistantly at that.
Where's the payoff?
by AllAlongTheWatchtower inexcuse me if i'm being cynical, but i've had my own experiences with [b]organized religion, though it was non-jw.
the group i was affiliated with demanded that full fledged members tithe (10% off the top of your income; pre-taxes), and a donation basket was also circulated at nearly every gathering in addition to tithing.
even kids were encouraged to participate; they would give them little envelopes to put loose change into and put in the basket.
No Titheing.
No plate to be passed.
All on "Voluntary" bible based, contributions from the heart. If your broke or rich your not required to give anything.
Christ said, quote"You recieved free, you give free", no charge. The Gospel or Kingdom is without charge.
Did society go against Jehovah's will?
by TweetieBird infor decades it was always stressed (especially in one of the pubs that came out in the 70's, i think the one about the thousand years) that one of the signs of the beginning of the great tribulation would be when they started taxing religion.
in another thread we were directed to about the society going to court to support jimmy swaggert.
it seems to me that maybe the society was running ahead of jehovah by doing so, and the organization started on a downward spiral since then, ultimately slapping jehovah in the face by going to bed with the un.
Do you research. Do you do the math. Or are you only enterested in defaming without discernment.
He Asked me to Marry him!
by Sparkplug inactually i have a friend in mexico who wants a green card.
i cannot see any purpose in marrying a very large, spanish speaking, gay man in order to get him a green card.
but still he did learn to tell me he loves me in english.
I cannot believe the response material I am reading.. Has the World Gone MAD..??
Google adv "Meet single JW just like you"
by mad max ini can't understand why they have put this ad up on this site, as it is only people who are not jw who look at this site (and others) so why advertise "meet single jw just like you on this site".
i thought maybe it was for single ex jw, so went into that site, and low and behold it was for jw only.
they were saying something like this "... we would like to say thank you so much brothers for this site as i have meet my wife/husband etc ....and thank you so much jehovah..".
Your in a tough situation because your emotions are strong, and are especially strong for the other person you mentioned.
They are asking you to wait for a good reason.
And, how were you initially associated with Gods people..What was your initial motivation..? to study at greater depths, mature, advance spiritaully. or
to seek out a life-long partner..?
My only suggestion, and this is just a suggestion, your personal matters are yours alone.
Allow time to let matters settle with all involved, you, the other person, the congregation and so forth. Dont rush. Never rush a life-long serious commitment.
Continue to do your Bible studies, meeting attendance. reach out for the ministry. In a short time the other person will show their true loyalties, and with both spiritually mature your wait will be blessed and no futher problems from others who are at present trying to give a frustrated advice. ( Good intentions and all).
Scripturally you are , all are required to "marry only in the Lord". or within your faith. A famous Radio Mental Health Doctor will often advise her listeners to marry only within ones faith. If you are honsest and truly wanting to no longer associate with the congregation and fulfill your duties as a desciple of Christ and be known in the community as one of Jehovahs Witnesses. please do not add to one mistake by compounding it with another. The other person may likely return back to Jehovah's Witnesses at a future date and then where will yo be...?? Stay if you honestly and truly believe this is the Truth, otherwise you may be best served to leave the matter and not persue this other person. Or, do greater research with a mature sister you trust.
would dubs ever go into field service if there was no record-keeping?
by zagor indo you think that any dub would ever go into field service if they didnt have to record hours of service?
i dont believe it at all.
in fact, you could see that everything they do is because there is some sort of record keeping behind it, i.e.
Yes. Loyal people are just that, they are loyal.
Matt: 24.45-47 allows lattitude for the Faithful House Steward to make such a request. It is not associated with making one a public spectacle or for show.
If you were to run a rather large Business and the owners wanted you to account for where the best business opportunites are to be addressed next on the Business agenda , How would you know what to do unless or should some sort of accounting had not as yet to be submitted to your office. The same is with the MASTERS business in the Mathew account per the Faithful Slave or Fathful Steward. Time and reports similar help all of us to know whre the best manpower and lierature may be better spent. More productive.
If being loyal to the Master is too much, then you have a seroius matter to decide over. Remember Christ said to "Exert Yourself Vigoriously" to get in. And this tracking time is of no real seroius difficulty to loyal desciples of Christ. its easy to do just so.
would dubs ever go into field service if there was no record-keeping?
by zagor indo you think that any dub would ever go into field service if they didnt have to record hours of service?
i dont believe it at all.
in fact, you could see that everything they do is because there is some sort of record keeping behind it, i.e.
What is a "dubs"...?
Did Genesis indicate literal creation days?
by M.J. inthe wts and others say the 6 days of creation in genesis are symbolic of longer time periods, while many others insist that a proper (and uncompromising) exegis reveals literal days.
i have a hunch that the author literally meant what he wrote.
the jw counter-argument to this is that genesis was written by moses and moses wrote psalm 90, which reads in part (v4):.
No. Not the 24 hour day we are accustomed to. Our bodies are limited to rest and refreshment, so 24 hours is quite balanced for our day and because we associate our lives with a 24 hour period of time we almost always go with the flow of each day is 24 hours. Makes sense.
Our creator is not limited as we are to a 24 hour sequence of time and events to accomplish His purpose. The Creator may at will, may sit on a matter for as long as He likes.
And remember please, a day in the Hebrew text is not always a 24 hour set time frame.
It will help if we view matters from a different perspective. When studying thoughts and ideas from the Bible, think of matters as though you were in a heavenly postion looking towards the earth, rather than our dailly normal postion of looking from earth up into the heavens. It will open up a temendous amount of thought and will separate the common from the uncommon commentaires we get from others.
The answer is, keep doing the research. Answers will come.