JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Fade update...
by StarTrekAngel ini have attended only one meeting in the past 3 weeks.
i know there is no way to leave this cult fast enough, but is my fade too fast?
Seems like no one cares now, they are not likely to (actually) care if they never see you again. Does wife go? Is she making excuses for you (both) about FS? If she isn't, then no one really cares. If she is, then you may get a CO coming to visit visit eventually. -
"And Your Little Dog Too...." WTS not content with taking kids' ice cream money, now they want them to give up their puppy dogs too.
by sir82 indon't know if anyone else caught this subtle but malicious photo from the 12/13/15 wt study article.. not sure how to post pictures here, but the photo is on the website's copy of the article, just below paragraph 12:.
note the 3 pictures in sequence tell a "story":.
Making kids give up ice cream and puppies. . . man. That's cold. -
"And Your Little Dog Too...." WTS not content with taking kids' ice cream money, now they want them to give up their puppy dogs too.
by sir82 indon't know if anyone else caught this subtle but malicious photo from the 12/13/15 wt study article.. not sure how to post pictures here, but the photo is on the website's copy of the article, just below paragraph 12:.
note the 3 pictures in sequence tell a "story":.
awww, give serena a break. She never got baptised and she is walking a fine line to keep her family and her career. She's getting away with what none of us really could (but wish we could!!) . She could be one of us here, telling us how she is trying to fade without losing her family. And lets face it. she kind of gives the WT the one fingered salute frequently and gets away with it. She's having her cake and eating it too. She's beautiful, strong, rich and once her mom dies, she and sis will probably announce that they no longer consider themselves associates or JWs. (BTW, I in no way wish ill on their mom-they obviously love her to be playing this game so long.) -
Steven Lett Governing body tells his Grandfather beaten for playing loud Rutherford records....Why??
by Witness 007 inat the international convention melbourne brother lett of the group 2 faithful slave told an emotional story of his grandfather on a sidewalk in texas playing a rutherford recording loudly till a irratated texan came out of a house, smashed the grammaphone and punched him in the face...if you ever heard rutherford you would know why.
for example religion is a snare and a racket invented by satan....no wonder they were banned..tarred and feathered...killed and put in jail playing the rantings of a maniac.
brother lett was proud of him...i pitty the fool.. .
I figured there was a baby woken up from a nap and a sleep deprived papa frustrated that some knucklehead thought he needed to advertise the fuhrers messages at top volume, when he thought the message was stupid at a normal volume. -
Back again
by Lostandfound inbeen absent for more than 10 years as i have had surgery sand radiation etc for brain tumour.
was in icu for 6 months and lost hearing in one ear, most of sight and physical disabilities.
was a member then just before simon emigrated to us, he had lived quite near me in uk.
Welcome back! -
What is happening in India?
by Vanderhoven7 ini read a thread recently that spoke of the wt ceasing to print watchtower and awake mags in india.
does anyone know if there is any substance/documentation to that claim?
The govt restricts any outside(out of country/non citizen) funding of religion, so since 40,000 JWs can't support the normal branch operations, they are shutting most of them down.
In Associated Press today
by Gayle inhttp://bigstory.ap.org/article/d926d4a36d614dfe969eba2b632fb3ce/jehovahs-witnesses-could-get-1-billion-nyc-properties.
hopefully, some jws will read this, and question how the wt is getting all this money, and question where is it really going?.
Hopefuly what they will all read is that the financial crisis is over and they don't need to donate for a few years since their donations over the last 50 years clearly were financially rewarded by Jehovah! Phew. -
Long Time, No See
by Quirky1 inwow!!
it's been awhile... there's been some redecorating since i was last here....
Hi, welcome back! Simon did well, didn't he? -
A question .....
by Landy inhi guys - new poster here.
i was brought up a jw in the uk and stopped going not long after i was married.
that was 20 years ago so i'm not really up to date with the current doctrinal flip flops or the new youtube obsessed gb.. came across this site while googling the name of a local elder who's just been convicted of possesion of a pc full of unpleasant pics of kids.. so, my question.
If one has family in (or other circumstances) it can be super difficult to just leave to "be true to yourself". The reason is that the WT makes sure that it is super difficult by the way they treat you, the way others are forced to treat you if they wish to remain in. The more you are in, the more people you have that are in, the harder it is. Add (often) minimal education and financial resources.
Good for you, but don't be too self satisfied about the ease of it for you. Different circumstances abound.
Blatant Lie, or Unwitting Contradiction?
by OneFingerSalute injust a comment here about the idiocy of this mornings wt.. in one paragraph that was yapping about faith and prayer the writers made the statement that faith could be shown by praying for material things, not just spiritual things.
they used the "give us this day our daily bread" quote.. a couple paragraphs later they said prayers are only answered if they were in harmony with god's will.. so i guess it is god's will that my frail very elderly parents are virtually ignored by the congregation they are in.
i guess it is god's will that after over 135 years combined time in duh troof between them they are kicked to the curb, accused of being selfish, unloving and they are laughed at and ridiculed by the eldurrs, the eldurrs families, and sheeple in general because of the frailties of old age.. they (that congregation) will be damned by god for their cruelty..
How are your folks dealing with this? It must be difficult for them if they really believed all the schlock. You are still in, right? How/have you approached these others about how they disrespect your parents?