JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
If YOU had to make the decision, would you respect a JW relatives wish to refuse a blood transfusion?
by nicolaou ina few years after i quit the meetings my mum needed her medical directive signed and witnessed and she asked if i'd do it.
i was surprised to say the least!.
i think she was just angling to include me and maybe find some lever to get me involved again.
I would respect her wishes. There'd be no living with her afterwards if I did not. Part of that is because when my dad was dying, he (not a JW) was given blood and my mom didn't stop it-and she likely could have just because of his condition. I appreciated that, and while I am not sure she would do the same if it were one of her kids, I think she would. -
Changed Will Watchtower You Get Nothing!
by Hadriel inas i mentioned last week i'm a covert fade.
it dawned on me that i had the watchtower bible and tract society in my will.
i just changed it.
No JWs in Doha! There are some in Egypt, but its all very covert. Doubt any reside in Saudi.
Going to any of those places would guarantee that your kids out of the influence, you will get great travel packages and you can just be normal people and leave your religion off the table altogether. Expats go to church, but no one pressures you because it is not cool, and most just go to buffets on Saturday (which is church day, sunday is a work day)
Schools are better in Doha, IMO.
Umbertoecho here.
by umbertoecho inhello people.. i'm tired and a bit sick at the moment but i can't let anyone think that this is going to go away.... i am able to tell you a few things in order to prevent any confusion in the minds of those who are thinking that nothing will come of this arc;that nothing will effect the wtbts in america and other places.. i have been there and given my testimony.
helen milroy and her assistants were there along with another group of people who are there to lend assistance if you crack up at any time during or after the hearing.
i did not crack up but can see how this happens.. security is tight and anonymity is sacred to them as they want to protect all who come forward.
Thank you for explaining. It must have been exhausting and strange to put everything out there that hurts so much.
I appreciate you. I'm appalled at what is allowed to flourish among the "witnesses" of Jehovah'. It is shocking when one considers how eager they are to DF those who are even giving an appearance of evil or who are gossiped about for silly things and how reluctant they are to DF grown adult men who have had innocent children tell damaging truths about them.
January jw-tv broadcast with Lett
by bohm inlett is back with a vengance!.
* the last money-begging effort increased donations by 15% for two months; a letter by a 13 year old who donated is read out loud.
* since last may "so many good things have happened".
They can only live off of their assets so long without them being replenished adequately. Ask anyone who becomes unemployed how long their great retirement savings last when their industry has totally gone to the dogs. Like Journalism. If you don't get another job, the assets are eaten up.
I live in hope!
January jw-tv broadcast with Lett
by bohm inlett is back with a vengance!.
* the last money-begging effort increased donations by 15% for two months; a letter by a 13 year old who donated is read out loud.
* since last may "so many good things have happened".
The more he says "sincerely" the more I realize how all his expressions are so damn INSINCERE. -
Your Opinion Pleeease
by thankyou injw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
If she can't take a "happy new year" then the relationship is likely doomed. Please be your natural self with her and let things develop (or not) naturally. Any falseness on your part, going against your true nature (I don't mean lose your manners and decency and revert to ape behavior, ok??!!) will just mean that she is accepting someone other than the YOU that YOU have to live with for the rest of your life. Changing your nature for another is dooming the relationship to failure. If you can't be you in dating, how will you survive a long term relationship? You are who you are. -
Another heavy load :Literature Cart Witnessing
by RULES & REGULATIONS injehovah's witnesses standing on a street corner publicly promoting the propaganda of the governing body!another ridiculous form of "forced loyalty" to jehovah.
"dirty work" that the wtbts make witnesses go through.preaching work '' lite''.putting more heavy loads on members while the ''faithful and discreet slave'' preach from warm studios without the humiliation.
what an embarrassment!.
Any day now you will see JW.borg auto wraps. My prediction. -
ELDERS, ha ha ha ha....!!!!!
by brandnew inso as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
There is a sugaring method of hair removal. Just saying.
Cute how they presumed your response and turned you off even more before listening to your answer. Real genius there!
Our Letter to Our Family
by What Now? inour families have cut off contact with us for the last several months.
they found out that we were celebrating holidays with our non-witness family.
our families were our last tie to the organization, as our former friends stopped associating with us about 3 years ago.
"We don’t want you to think that our experience in the organization was 100% negative, because it wasn’t . We have many fond memories from growing up in the congregation, and we will admit that there are some aspects of the religion that we like, and will even miss, and people whose friendships we treasured very much. But when we weigh those few positive things against the many negatives, we must follow our hearts and consciences out of the organization."
Great letter. I loved this part, as well as where you put their choice on their own shoulders and denied their right to dump it on you.
Very powerful stuff.
Laugh-out-Loud BS from Insight Book
by berrygerry inhow would it be possible in 1,000 years to resurrect and educate the billions now in the grave?.
nevertheless, an illustration reveals what a simple, practical thing jehovah has in mind for mankind.
not to prophesy, but merely for the purpose of illustration, let us assume that those who compose the great crowd of righteous persons who come out of the great tribulation on this system of things alive (re 7:9, 14) number about 6,000,000 (about 1/1000 of earths present population).
"Nevertheless, an illustration reveals what a simple, practical thing Jehovah has in mind for mankind. Not to prophesy,. . ."
I appreciated how they presumed that their illustration reveals God's plan to repopulate the earth. Also how timely the disclaimer that it isn't a prophecy-AFTER they proclaim that is is what God HAS IN MIND for mankind! So the basic plan is God's but they aren't prophecying about the details!Did they figure in the part where they have to clean up the earth and bury rotting bodies of 4 billion people? Where does that fit into the timeline?