JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
My son has a very significant interview today..
by Captain Schmideo2 inhe is just days away from graduation with his bachelor's in english, and today, he has an interview with a recruiter for an agency that help with finding teaching positions in south korea.. i took it upon myself to research the company and his interviewer, and it's been high marks all around on both of them.
so that's a great ease on my mind.i just hope the interview (over the phone) goes well, and results in the next steps to getting a position.my son spent a month in seoul last summer, an loved the place.
he has friends out there as well, including a young man that he attended classes with here in the states, so i think that's a real plus in taking this very giant leap.when i was his age, i was slowly working my way through a two year degree, still living at home, and aspiring to nothing more than a job as a repairman.
HI! How'd the interview go? I taught overseas for a couple of years and I loved Loved LOVED it!!! The students are excited to learn, they are happy to know you and they are from this very different place-and yet, under all the social, tradition, custom differences, it was fun to see how much we are the same. Hope all goes GREAT for you son. -
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nzvwhflss4.
Cairo elections were a lot livelier than whatever was going on in that video. -
Watchtower State
by nelim ini was watching a documentary from last week about saudi arabia.
there are many human rights violations going on, supported from islam ideology.
apparently is(is) is an off-shoot of saudi society.
Seriously? I spent time in Saudi and I know a very respected and loved sheik there who is Canadian, black and highly sought after as a teacher and leader in Arabia. I would say he is a rock star over there. I traveled with Africans, we were not turned away from any checkpoint, holy site or 5 star hotel. That's not the military. Wonder if they had an issue with Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell? Oh! Or Barack Obama.
At a certain point in time.....
by Giordano inat a certain point in time, i am sad to say, being a jw may have been my whole life.
i knew myself by what others said about me.
i was called brother by hundreds, and it sounded right.
Thanks for sharing your experience Giordano. I always questioned things-I always DO, still. I don't necessarily like my answers. Its hard to shift your mind once entrenched, but I think that life is a journey and progressing forward doesn't always mean that we leap out of one place to another. It is usually step by step. I'm glad you stepped out! -
Kids to refugee camps?
by JWdaughter ini was at a garage sale the other day and decided from the books that they were in a ministry.
so, in talking to the husband, turns out that sold their house and are headed to greece with 4 kids to be missionaries to the refugees.
4 kids.
I was at a garage sale the other day and decided from the books that they were in a ministry. So, in talking to the husband, turns out that sold their house and are headed to Greece with 4 kids to be missionaries to the refugees. 4 kids. They had a 6 month old! They plan to do that for a few months and then settle in Turkey. They are going to have some amazing experiences. I worry about them in the refugee camps, though. The Syrians only take they kids there out of desperation. I'd never bring kids there as a learning experience! Turkey will be amazing, refugee camps are a bit dramatic with 4 kids under 7 years old. This was not a pastors family, this guy never was a minister before. His wife was an employee at a church part time. I admire their intentions, but think they are nuts. -
Crumpet and PurpleSofa
by JWdaughter intwo posters that i haven't seen in awhile that i like.
anyone heard from them?
i hope all is well!
Thanks! I hope the girls are well and happy. -
No Birthday cards
by Xanthippe inso no cards again yesterday from my daughter's uncle and aunts, my jw siblings, for her 21st birthday.
😀 no i didn't expect any but i just wonder if they even know she's twenty-one now.
do her cousins, one of whom has a baby of his own now?
I'm sending warmest felicitations to your daughter. Congratulations to you on encouraging her education and celebrating her life. You had a huge bully discouraging both. -
One less JW in Scandinavia
by Powermetal4ever inyes that's me, i am victorious!
i had enough after about 4 years knowing ttatt.
sent my da letter and it has been anounced at the meeting.
Congrats on taking back your life! -
The New World , Utopian or Dystopian?
by BluesBrother inlike many others on here i was raised and spent many years of my life looking forward to , and basing my life around the anticipated "new world" .this utopian paradise would "satisfy the desire of every living thing".
we would enjoy eternal youth in perfect health,have abundant good food ,comfortable homes ,even welcome our parents and forebears back from the dead - what's not to like?i found this description of a dystopian world on the net :"characteristics of a dystopian society• propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.• information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.• a figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.• citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.• citizens have a fear of the outside world.• citizens live in a dehumanized state.• the natural world is banished and distrusted.• citizens conform to uniform expectations.
individuality and dissent are bad.• the society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world."hmm.
made me look at n. Korean propaganda art. Their Armageddon type pics portrays them as victims of evil US military men
A big thanks to all you good good people
by aboveusonlysky in"when the truth is found to be lies, and all the joy within you dies" jefferson airplane.
until that is you find websites like this!
i want to say a big thank you to all of you for everything i've learned here, as well as jwfacts, jwsurvey, coc, isocf etc.. i'm a born in and i spent more than two decades of my adult life in full time 'service' for the (b)org.
You are right, they are bullies and it's not anecdotal, it is based on what the WT has stated explicitly as being their practice in their monolithic rulership over JWs. That they deny it, sometimes in the same bullying article, doesn't change what they state and expect.