Hi Nic. I'm glad you are a good guy. The more JWs are exposed to EX's that are decent, kind, normal people, the less they will be inclined to demonize you and the more they will question the WT/JW teachings that are doing so. Every time now, you will be the face of the former JW. Good for you. You can start his cognitive dissonance if he hasn't started already-I mean, he has a SATURDAY job, for crying out loud. He might be glad his cards are taking a while to transfer. Who knows?
Steve: He may not have asked any questions because the more he knows or digs, the more likely it is that he will have to treat Nic like crap, and most JWs would rather NOT treat people like crap. "I'll ask you no questions so you will won't need to tell me any truths that I can't deal with". The other side of the coin is that the new guy knows all KINDS of good reasons why Nic left. He isn't stupid! But if he engages, even for the purposes of "encouragement", then he could be exposed to MORE dirt, and the JW mind just can't deal with the imperfections of the organization because it is "the TRUTH" and the first time you see a GB leader walking around the truth, you can't unsee it. EVER. None of us can unsee what we know, and we all know that the more we learned, the more it was difficult to act as if we still bought it hook, line and sinker. Like the woman who knows in her gut that her husband is cheating, but as long as she doesn't confront him, she can keep the illusions intact before the kids/world/etc. The new postman is clearly embroiled in the org. His life is totally woven into his WT persona. He feels his options are limited. He isn't that old, but he likely feels ancient with that background, poor kid!