I was a mormon for a few years. I don't believe the religion, but I thought they were generally nice folks and the religion was more about living than preaching their unique faith(though they do think every member is a missionary, it is about being a good person, good example, more than knocking on doors preaching.
It's a nice social group to belong to, and they actually help people and emphasize education. If they could lose the crazy doctrine and keep the good social foundations, lose some of the judgier ones, that would be great.
My friend came out as gay, died of aids in 1991 and his church was packed with people who loved him, lds and otherwise. I buried my 25 year old friend that day, and no one rejected him.
My dad, a non JW, died after years of helping with repairs and remodels of every KH my mom went to, even after a brother ripped him off in business, and not one JW sent flowers or came by, because my mom was inactive as she lived at hospitals and nursing homes his last 6 months. No one even brought her magazines.
I think the WT breeds ugly human beings purposefully. I don't think Mormons have truths religiously either, but they nurture goodness of humanity more than a lot of religions do.