If there were no religion involved, it's a nice social group. Have a Mormon tell you the joke about how many Mormons it takes to change a lightbulb. In fact, get a Mormon jokebook. You will at least get an idea of how they see themselves (and don't take themselves too seriously for the most part.)
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat ini know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat ini know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
I was a mormon for a few years. I don't believe the religion, but I thought they were generally nice folks and the religion was more about living than preaching their unique faith(though they do think every member is a missionary, it is about being a good person, good example, more than knocking on doors preaching.
It's a nice social group to belong to, and they actually help people and emphasize education. If they could lose the crazy doctrine and keep the good social foundations, lose some of the judgier ones, that would be great.
My friend came out as gay, died of aids in 1991 and his church was packed with people who loved him, lds and otherwise. I buried my 25 year old friend that day, and no one rejected him.
My dad, a non JW, died after years of helping with repairs and remodels of every KH my mom went to, even after a brother ripped him off in business, and not one JW sent flowers or came by, because my mom was inactive as she lived at hospitals and nursing homes his last 6 months. No one even brought her magazines.
I think the WT breeds ugly human beings purposefully. I don't think Mormons have truths religiously either, but they nurture goodness of humanity more than a lot of religions do.
"how awful it must be to be dying as an apostate!"
by purrpurr ini heard today about a former jw/now apostate who is dying in hospital.
this information was accompanied by the comment of "wouldn't be awful to be lying there in hospital,dying as an apostate!
knowing that you have no hope!?
My mom has this misplaced loyalty about rejecting people so she can live forever in a paradise earth, with NO people that are her family, her only lover/my dad, all her neighbors and co-workers. She doesn't really like anyone, everyone is unworthy. She knows JWs are as messed up as anyone else. . .she thinks she is worthy, just because she is loyal to org. So she gets to spend eternity(in her mind) with all those small minded, judgemental people. Truly a hell of her own making. This woman goes on about how she loves everyone, though she doesn't really like us-which she is not shy to remind us.
Personally, going through live convinced you will live for eternity without anyone who actually loves you would be real hell.
I think she is living a dystopian nightmare already.
Warwick, Queensland, Australia: Elders covered up rape of young girl
by wifibandit inhttp://www.warwickdailynews.com.au/news/church-elders-covered-rape-young-girl/3047470/.
and archived forever via the wayback machine.
HOw does the judge know if he raped anyone else? The elders aren't talking! Abusers choose their victims strategically.
JWR Alumni
by marlborobarbie inhey y'all.
i just wanted to officially make my debut on https://www.jehovahs-witness.com and introduce myself.
i'm an old jwrer, and it looks like i'll be dropping in on here now for cult updates and friendly conversation.. a little about myself:.
Welcome! I have been here since it was the board was just a youngun. I am 50 and just started a home bakery here in Texas. Want a loaf of the Italian sesame that just came out of the oven?
I don't understand how to navigate this site.
by Mia T ini want to fit in but can't find my way around..
Just keep playing around. You will get it soon. WELCOME! I can figure it out so I know you can.
by Exjwme inyou can all call me jess, i guess you can say i'm a "refugee" from jwr.
i'm going to try and keep this short for now, i'm in my early 20s, i was born in but never baptized, i've been mentally out for 7 years and fully out for about 5ish.
despite never having been baptized my fading took quite a bit of time and work.
Welcome. I left at 15 and was DA'd. You are one of us!
Hi Everyone
by Wayward ini just came over from jwr.
a little background: my mom converted to the witnesses when i was five.
i was baptized at 14, was mentally out by 18, and successfully faded by the time i was 25. mom and both my younger sisters and their families are still in.
Need some help: Existential crisis in full swing
by Freeandclear inso is anyone else having an existential crisis after becoming fully awake?
let me explain.
about 2 years ago i read coc, still believed and tried to get back in da troof.
Religion and God is and has always been (IMO) a way for humans to gather society together in some kind of cohesion and civilization. Rules, societal order, all that. As we evolve, so does religion (unsurprisingly!)
Maybe God is a way for people to take concrete steps to do the right things by one another. It really is what the 10 commandments and golden rule boil down to. Be nice, do good. Don't harm each other. Atheists, humanists can see the value in that even when it isn't faith driven. All religion basically comes down to those principles, but we also recognize that we often fail at this no matter what we believe about God, Forgiveness is desired and we want to go forward and learn from our mistakes. (Mercy of God or man)
Don't deaden the light in your eyes by blowing off your life, your health, family, work and healthy sexual relationships. Those things matter even without a God ruling your life.
JWs and most religion focuses on our fears and desires. Our fear of being beyond redemption and our desire for peace and safety. Some people ascribe the redemption to the religion, but you need to be merciful to your own self and seek out the things you want in this life that benefit you and make you happy. So what if there is no God! There are billions of other PEOPLE on this world, most of whom have it a lot worse than ANY of us. You hate religion? You don't believe in God? Do you want to prove the controlling cultish relgion RIGHT or do you want to prove them wrong?
You can be a good example or a cautionary tale. Don't be a tool to con some other poor suckers.
Do JWs still leave literature in the door?
by Wild_Thing ini came home to a watchtower in my door.
i thought i had heard a while back that they had stopped putting literature in doors except for tracts whenever they had one of their campaigns.
why am i so special?.
They are probably just cleaning out their closets.