That makes it kinda better, even.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Jehovah's Witness Mentos Commercial Parody
by WatchtowerReviewz ini made this quick little parody to showcase how simple and ridiculous the jw "cure all" solution is to all of life's problems.
pray, read watchtower, and recruit more members = solution..
Bunker Video: Why No Concluding Scene?
by Wild_Thing ini was wondering why they ended the "bunker video" as they did ... with an armed militia finding the jws huddled in the corner of the basement ... fade to black.
the jws watching don't know what happened after that.
did they kill them?
Of course we will. That is what they want. One organization where total insanity works for them.
Convention Weirdness
by BlackWolf inwell i just got back from 3 days in hell, and geez was this convention strange or what?
im sure someone's probably made a topic about this already but i can't believe that there weren't any new releases besides the movies.
has that ever happened before?
Now my crazy mother is going on about how our message is going to change soon and we won't have to preach anymore in the great tribulation. Everyone who doesn't hide in the stupid basement will be doomed..
This is a perfect example of what the WT does. They disseminate crazy ass stuff to their followers, and later, when generations from now, a person points out the manipulation to the last surviving WT "true believer" they will say, "But never SAID that we were in the great tribulation. Some overeager JWs decided that is what they WANTED, and so they came to believe it. But CERTAINLY, the WT wasn't teaching such a thing! They were merely surmising."
Guess who is getting announced as no longer being a JW
by atacrossroads innot me surprisingly.
i thought i would be the one to go first.
this coming week my hubby is being announced as no longer being a jw.
Well done! And congratulations on your new baby. I am a proud grandma and the church my DIL goes to has NOTHING to do with it, and her love for me has nothing to do with the way I worship God. I'm sorry your parents are missing the point of it all. This is truly their loss. They were kind of assholes about it, but that is cult personality, for sure.
Hey Howdy! Don't apologize for saying hi. Good to see you.
So, two JW men knock on our door tonight at about 8pm
by JWdaughter inall they did was invite us to a convention on the other side of town in mid-july.
my husband tried to engage them and asked where he could send them some information.
they showed him the address for the convention center across town-yeah, they are going to get it there.
Seems kind of nuts. We all know how hard it is to get anyone at home in the first place-and that someone is willing to talk? My husband would have invited them in for tea! This new way they are doing things is stupid.
JW sell a Kingdomhall to a church in germany
by crazy_flickering_light inthe dubs sell a hall to a free church.. source:
price: 388.000 eur around 431.200,00 usd.
(exchange today).
Did the congregations build a new one and consolidate or just build a new one or just consolidate into another hall?
So, two JW men knock on our door tonight at about 8pm
by JWdaughter inall they did was invite us to a convention on the other side of town in mid-july.
my husband tried to engage them and asked where he could send them some information.
they showed him the address for the convention center across town-yeah, they are going to get it there.
All they did was invite us to a convention on the other side of town in mid-July. My husband tried to engage them and asked where he could send them some information. . . they showed him the address for the convention center across town-yeah, they are going to get it there.
He's just advertising HIS business, but still, if they are going to knock on our door right before dinner, they could at least be honest and tell him that they will never see anything that he sends to the assembly hall.
First visit by English speakers where they would speak to us -usually they come with a Spanish speaking person agenda (even if everyone at the door speaks English(!) and ask us where to find a Spanish speaking family-we live in South Texas, for crying out loud!). If they fart, someone who is Hispanic is gonna get a whiff of it!
Long Beach School Teacher - you can guess the rest
by Dagney ini'm speechless.
i know this guy.
Was it a private JW/tutoring semi home school operation? Like the new system schools which are all over the country?
Why isn't the Boston Globe doing a better job?
by Londo111 in
why isn't the boston globe doing a better job covering this group?.
after all, the movie spotlight won an oscar about this paper and their groundbreaking journalism into the catholic church covering child abuse.
A JW probably wrote the article.
Write to the globe and speak of their "clergy" issues.
Write to the globe and discuss how they are telling their neighbors about Armageddon since before 1900, but will hide a KNOWN, even confessed, pedophile in a FS group.
Discuss their newfound fondness for baptizing 11 year olds. Eight year olds.