- I am not an atheist. I read Bart Ehrman and Reza Aslan and Christian writers and Jewish and Muslim thinkers. I don't think it is disloyal to God to 1. read them or 2. Call them BS when that's what it is. I can agree and disagree with them on many different points based on the information and their reasoning about it-and I do!
- The Watchtower organization, Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to READ anything that opposes THE ORGANIZATION.(notice, I didn't say Jehovah God, or God,most are not leaving the borg ranting about God-their gripe is with the org) That can be directly or otherwise-just not agreeing with them is opposing them.
Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to QUESTION (openly or to any JW but an elder which will land them in a JC if they persist) ANY of the WT teachings. Now, maybe you can question the validity of the Bible to them and they will just try to "reason" with you, but question the WT LEADERSHIP??? THAT IS APOSTACY!!! You can call Ehrman or Aslan or Osteen or billy graham sloppy scholars TO THEIR FACE, or that they make ridiculous arguments or are just plain wrong or say how you disagree with their conclusions and NONE of them are going to have you exiled from their company/friends/family.None are going to declare you a mentally diseased person with a poor heart condition. Every last one of them would enjoy having the discussion over a cup of coffee and a peace of pie, so long as you are not coming off as a threat to them physically. The WT and JWs are a cult that despises and actually forbids independent thinking.They won't sit down at a table with anyone who disagrees with them.
- You have a strong family and are with a strong partner. Twenty years is for all intents and purposes a marriage as we think of it and how your family functions-without, presumably, stereotypical roles being required. Adam and Eve didn't have a ceremony, they just landed in Eden together for all we know. But they stayed, they built a (disfunctional, but STILL) family of their own. That is what your partnership is-you built a family together and THAT is what its about, so don't let anyone put you down because of a label or piece of paper.
- DO put your legal affairs in order so that your partner and children are protected. You and your partner should do that.
- I'd keep asking the pioneer hard questions until they chicken out and end the study. Don't go to the meetings. They don't have "the truth". It is a manipulative, high control religion and you have let it make you feel bad about yourself for TOO long.