I came out of the org around the same time that Franz did. I learned of it after I left, but it turns out we were on similar paths at the time. Only he knew a lot more. I was 15. I was DA'd for reasons that still befuddle me as I was never baptised. My mom is the one that insisted because I said I didn't want to go anymore.
It has been the bane of my life because I am labeled apostate, simply because my mom says I "know the truth and rejected it." Whatever. There was no truth and that was what I discovered as I started "moving towards baptism". I didn't do it so there is that. Still, my mom and others are JWs. My mom is no longer a part of my life, but in spite of her wishes, I haven't forgotten that I ever HAD a mother (!)
Anyway, it is a hateful and ugly organization that works to create hateful and ugly people.