I wrote similar letters 35 years ago. Don't hold your breath waiting for any positive changes from the org. I'm so sorry that you are living such a marginalized life while waiting for the improbable. Take care of your heart. They won't.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
by WITNESS-FOR-WATCHTOWER-REFORM indue to unforeseen circumstances, i need to say goodbye.
proverbs 14:16 nlt.
i have every faith that the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will bring about needed change very soon given the continuous pressure they face.
Mouthy's Funeral (video)
by mouthys_other_granddaughter infor those interested, this is the video of mouthy's (grace) funeral from september 8, 2016. https://youtu.be/yvmiwo0ycds.
thanks again everybody for the kind words about her - she will be sorely missed by our family as i know she will be by many of you too!
Thank you. I still can't quite imagine that she's not in this world anymore.
Are quality restaurants even slightly aware of the concept..
by The Rebel inof providing high quality food?.
personally i prefer the small restaurants with a owner who cooks the food.
often the food is equally imaginative and just as tasty as the more expensive restaurant.
If it comforts anyone, I make my own refried beans, cook my black beans from dry, bake most of my own bread, make my own tahini, hummus and just today made salted tahini chocolate chip cookies and also some lemon pecan shortbread.
I make homemade everything, just about, from scratch-except noodles. I buy meat raw and not processed with any seasonings or coatings.I mix my own italian seasonings, mexican seasonings, curry and garam masala. (I do use jarred ginger garlic paste) I freeze my own broccoli from fresh. Best home fries ever. I even figured out how to make my own "cream of (mushroom/chicken/whatever) soup to add to 'convenience' recipes. I compromise on all this sometimes to practice for the Pillsbury bake off, but not really holding my breath, there!
Restaurants and chefs know what quality food is, but often just don't give a darn about your family. YOU do, so learn how to cook! There are ways to simplify and streamline and keep quality (like my frozen broccoli and big batches of frozen beans-they take forever to prepare properly from dry, so I make big batches and freeze in dinner recipe sized portions).
The only problem is that normal american diets require more than just a few basic staples, which means that I have a lot of grains, veg and meat in my freezer and pans to cook all the stuff. I'm not that great a cook, but I am an aspiring foodie. And I know how to make a baguette, which is more than most of the people on the GBBO can do!
My Brother Called Me Yesterday...
by pale.emperor inmy brother isn't a witness but he was raised one like we all were.
after 15 years living his own life he decided about a year ago to have a bible study.
this being the case, as a non baptized witness he can still speak to me but he's getting a lot of pressure not to from elders and the rest of my family.
I worry thatv your brother seems more convinced after the video t ghe an he was before. Cigs or not, they have him in his head, if not his heart. He wants the jw fantasy even tho he knows he can't live it. Just remind him that if he backsides after committing to it, you will be there for him. Does he fully understand that they will reject him like they do you when that happens? [And it will happen]
What do you think would have happened to you if...
by LevelThePlayingField inyou found out about ttatt way back in the 70's or maybe the 80's (basically before the internet) and you thought that you were all alone in this knowledge?
what do you think would have happened to you?
no jehovahs-witness.com, no john cedars, no arc, no jwfacts.com and no crisis of conscience to fall back on.
I came out of the org around the same time that Franz did. I learned of it after I left, but it turns out we were on similar paths at the time. Only he knew a lot more. I was 15. I was DA'd for reasons that still befuddle me as I was never baptised. My mom is the one that insisted because I said I didn't want to go anymore.
It has been the bane of my life because I am labeled apostate, simply because my mom says I "know the truth and rejected it." Whatever. There was no truth and that was what I discovered as I started "moving towards baptism". I didn't do it so there is that. Still, my mom and others are JWs. My mom is no longer a part of my life, but in spite of her wishes, I haven't forgotten that I ever HAD a mother (!)
Anyway, it is a hateful and ugly organization that works to create hateful and ugly people.
Iconic 9/11 photo taken by bethelite
by pbrow inhttp://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/man-shot-iconic-9-11-photo-doomed-fire-truck-article-1.2786008.
l118 crossing brooklyn bridge.
mid-article says he was a volly at jdub "book-making factory" .
I noticed that other than the brief mention of his job, he didnt sound at all J-Dubbie. That could be the magic of editing. . .hope he's free.
Are Parents Who Shun Their Children At Risk?
by Englishman inwho looks after the welfare of ageing witness parents who have disfellowshipped children?
are these df'd children (actually, some of these df'd children are in their 60's) meant to ignore being ignored and then care physically for their non speaking parents?
also, can df'ing your own children lead to witness parents suffering illness or even death as a result?.
There has been what I think is a final break with my mom in recent months, but became finally final this week.
Now my sister, who is sympathizing with my weeping in distress(!) mom, is shunning me too-without a conversation and knowing exactly what my mom does, generally. I think she is mostly hoping to shut up my mom by shutting me up. Alright, already. I've had it with that ugliness in any case. The last words she spoke to me in person were telling me that I was her enemy. Why? I refused to argue with her (ironically).
I hate the WTBTS, and I feel bad for my sister who is going to get stuck with dealing with my mom, cross country, for everything. Her and my mom, and my brother and my mom have never had a visit without the major drama of my mom stomping off in years. My mom will choose her religion or her dog (and her booze) over every familial relationship. Now my sis will get the full joy of mom. Have fun with that!
THe thing is, as I consider some of our family issues, I recognize that the WT is just one aspect of the poison she has spread to us. There are non-JW parts to the crazy of our family:( God I miss my dad:(
How Do You Stretch Your Food Dollars?
by compound complex indear budgetarian grocery-buyers,.
i am an artist though hardly a starving artist.
some of my patrons kindly feed me and i do have my well-stocked freezer.
Wannaexit, today I made my first batch of tahini. Yum. I bought 4# of sesame from Amazon. Hummus heAven tomorrow! -
How Do You Stretch Your Food Dollars?
by compound complex indear budgetarian grocery-buyers,.
i am an artist though hardly a starving artist.
some of my patrons kindly feed me and i do have my well-stocked freezer.
If you are willing, making home made bread, either traditional american style loaves or flatbread like naan or pita or roti are opioid much cheaper. Flat breads can be made on stove and a batch of dough kept in fridge for fresh loaves every meal if desired. Ye as st can be bought much cheaper in bulk pound sizes rather than the criminal prices for individual packets.
Also, buy dry beans and cook yourself. Cheaper than cans, can keep in freezer and delicious.September-december has a lot of great deals-if you can stretch your budget the next few months, you can stock up everday staples.
Use foodbank. Make friends with produce guys at local markets. They . Might discard the not quite good enough or excess veg your way.
Learn how to prepare food for freezing so if you get a great windfall that you can take advantage without eating so many carrots that you turn orange. For example.
Watch brothers Green on youtube. Lots of creative ways to eat cheap and healthy. Super funny, too.
Hopefully a Commonwealth Precedent - DF'ing Reviewable by a Court
by search inwell, it's been a very long road, so far, but, for the greater good.. appeal decision posted today.. http://www.canlii.org/en/ab/abca/doc/2016/2016abca255/2016abca255.html?autocompletestr=highwood%20congr&autocompletepos=1.
Wow, a guy is drunk and verbally abusive and gets DFd.
Legally, I am mystified about this-what can he hope to accomplish?
Naturally, I am sick that the family was ripped apart so viciously by this organizational processes-and I speak of the daughters DFing. The consequences of Mr. Walls DFing are the stuff of JWD legend. Nothing new. But the impact that DFing his daughter, and the trickle down effect just highlights the tragedy of this WT doctrine. That this CHILD was experiencing as an adolescent the consequences of her adult father should give people pause. The aspect of his DFing appeal that mentioned the lack of spiritual guidance is also telling.
Honestly, not knowing even what the court is figuring that can possibly be done regarding natural justice, I think this is a bit of a pyrric victory.But not entirely. The publicity will hopefully put some attention on the practice of DFing people, particularly children, and the chain reaction it's impact has on entire families. It is hate filled and harmful to the family in every way. This is proof.