JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
I haven't checked in here in at least 5 years
by Dinah2 inthis place is great and it helped me.
for anyone i used to interact with, i think about you often.
i just wanted to read and catch up..
Crisis of Conscience: December 12, 2015 - 50 weeks later
by Jehalapeno inon december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
Rude crack.
Crisis of Conscience: December 12, 2015 - 50 weeks later
by Jehalapeno inon december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
Traditional publishing is not speedy. I have some confidence that this is being dealt with honestly.
black dog comes to visit
by zeb indear friends,.
once again my depression has got the better of me and i must bow out for a time.. "the angels sang glory to god in the highest and on earth peace unto men of goodwill'.
so if that means at this special time of the year then have a happy and safe christmas time all of you.. hugs.
I'm so clueless. . .I thought the thread was about another forum participant coming to visit. I have experienced depression though. I hope you get the care you need, whatever it might be. Winter will pass.
Preaching work already done - not for now
by stockholm_Syndrome incompare what happened during the apostolic period -col 1:23:provided, of course, that you continue in the faith, established on the foundation and steadfast, not being shifted away from the hope of that good news that you heard and that was preached in all creation under heaven.+ of this good news i, paul, became a minister.rom 16:26but has now been made manifest* and has been made known through the prophetic scriptures among all the nations according to the command of the everlasting god to promote obedience by faith;who was the preaching commission, or coming forward as a witness given to?
remembering context, audience and purpose….john 15:27;and you, in turn, are to bear witness,+ because you have been with me from the beginning.hmmm i personally wasn't with jesus from the beginning ---were you ?matt 11:1when jesus had finished giving instructions to his 12 disciples, he set out from there to teach and preach in their cities.i wasn't one of his original 12 disciples ---where you?matthew 28:16-20however, the 11 disciples went to galʹi·lee to the mountain where jesus had arranged for them to meet.
17 when they saw him, they did obeisance, but some doubted.18 jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “all authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.
I remember when in this forum we could discuss the bible as it related to WT teachings. Since JWS are usually coming from a place that doesn't reject belief, it isn't a bad idea, IMO, to allow these discussions without rancor. We are all at different places in the journey.
Update to: As a Matter of Conscience, I Am Resigning from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Sail Away ini just had a two-hour doctor's appointment (treatment for branch retinal vein occlusion) that requires screenings, scans, dilation, anesthetic and injection, etc.
this makes it necessary to spend a lot of time in the waiting room..
my former p.o., book study conductor and later field service overseer was there and greeted me in a friendly way.
Glad you had a pleasant catch up with a former associate. I hope all your procedures go well. I hope he and his family are being freed mentally at least.
Why Is The Governing Body Moving Corporation Headquarters Out In The Boonies Away From Public Veiw?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think the decision to move to a more secluded place was probably started taking shape right after silentlambs march at headquarters in clear public view of their neighbors.
i mean how do you respectively live something like this down in front of all those neighbors close by?
that's why i think they are heading for the boonies because deep down they know that their public reputation will only go from bad to worse at this late date of the faithful & discreet slave of god con game.
Property is relatively cheap upstate. I don't see that area booming anytime in foreseeable future, but they saved tons with the flip, regardless. They didn't need to be in a pricey area. For visiting JWs it will be cheaper and safer to visit, so it's not horrible, other than the extreme cheapness of putting a bunch of folks on a toxic waste site. but most folks are temporary, right?
Florida, Groveland: KH Dedication VIDEO
by darkspilver inthis must be one of the last old-style/traditional kingdom halls to be built?
seems it was built during august/september last year, but was actually only dedicated fairly recently.. 15919 villa city road, groveland fl 34736
two dedication programmes - one in english and another in spanish - same bilingual bethel brother gives the main talk in english and spanish.
I've seen the new style and it was built at least 2years ago, in tacoma was on Hosmer. Wonder why they bother with old style after all the build up?
Prince wanted Obama to ban birthdays and Christmas, according to his buddy Van Jones
by OnTheWayOut ini saw this news scrolling at the bottom of the television screen this morning.
i looked it up.
not much of a story, but it certainly has the ring of truth to it.
That's not credible to me. Prince was a couple different kinds of crazy, but he wasn't stupid and I don't think he was mean.
JW Ideal candidates for Life Insurance?
by MNLifeAgent ini am not a jehovah's witness, although i do respect your religion entirely.
i am 27 years old, and live in minnesota.
i have an older cousin, who's mother (not with my uncle -separated when my cousin was a baby) had been a witness, grew up in your word, and about 12 years ago she fully converted.
My hubby is in insurance. If your only life ins is through your employer, you could, depending on policy, be without a job or life insurance at a past your prime age. You should all check that you are covered in event of termination of employment for whatever reason. Easier to buy privately when you are younger, healthier and preferably employed than when older with health issues. Financial planning should start when young as possible and long term planning should not rest with one employer keeping you. They dont much do that anymore.
So far as jw life ins business. . .dont go for the low hanging fruit. Get quality customers that will not drop coverage the minute they are alarmed by a world event and would rather go out for dinner than pay their life insurance premiums when they are never going to die.