JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Have you ever known a holocaust denier? How did you feel about them?
by Esse quam videri ini sometimes did work for a lovely old couple who at times needed repairs done around their home.
my wife and myself spent time with them, having tea and crackers from time to time.
one day the husband and myself got into a conversation and he clearly showed himself to be a holocaust denier.
Ex jw who left wt after researching stuff for them got on an Anne Fran denier kick. Ditlieb Federer. -
Does anyone have any fashion sense? Getting Married. Help?
by RavenPearl ini am a man and i have roughly 10 months to prepare for my wedding (including raising the funds etc... my fiance is caught up in her affairs associated with the wedding.
now i do have a pretty good sense of fashion when it comes to 'dress to impress' when required.
however, i'm not familiar with specific clothing lines.
Make a case for everyone going personal/comfy after ceremony and pics.She might actually enjoy complementing your look.. Some surprises are more welcome than others.
The con is completed - comments from the US branch's LDC chief
by sir82 inrecently attended a special assembly day.. guest speaker was thomas chicky, a member of the us branch committee and the head of the us ldc (which has replaced the rbcs).. the last talk of the day is scheduled for an hour.
it was the usual boring mumbo-jumbo.
he appeared to have blasted through his hour-long outline in just about 45 minutes, so he "treated" us to informal comments on recent developments.. he commented on the new wt complex in fishkill ny.. then he dropped the bomb (well, to anyone with ears and at least 2 functioning synapses).. the following is not a word for quote, but presents the gist of his comments:.
And this is different from PTL?
Greetings and would like some advice about a potentially fun idea
by towerwatcher inhello fellow apostates!
my first post and a long time lurker here.
i would like to thank all of you for the existence of this board as this has been instrumental for me in leaving the place i once knew as "the truth".
Titles are not copyrightable, but the typesetting may have something proprietary about it.
I would check with a business attorney before doing anything if you are still so inclined.
I will agree however though, that it is a pretty limited market and the irony (?) would be lost on most.
My real name (and a shameless self promotion)
by schnell inmy real name is benjamin heath, i live in southern oregon, usa, and you can always reach me on twitter @ben_heath_.
i have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my twitter.
i intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is i'm reading about at the moment.. i'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-jw by choice.
Hi Benjamin! Im Michelle. We like having you here.
Article: Jehovah’s Witnesses Holds Women Back
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.fairobserver.com/region/europe/jehovahs-witnesses-women-religion-serena-williams-news-81664/.
by lydia segebrecht december 16, 2016. an open letter to serena williams about jehovah’s witnesses’ treatment of women.. dear serena,.
i want to start by applauding everything you said in your open letter that was reproduced on the guardian website last week.
I wonder how many JW men would dare utter the words "weaker vessel" after playing a set of tennis with her? She is very strong, very fit and very skilled. Probably much more generous, too.
You're welcome ...
by Simon ini figured i'd shut the site down for a couple of hours to encourage everyone to do their xmas shopping.
the error message was a subtle hint, that's what "500 error" means ... go shopping.. whatever rumours you hear, it definitely wasn't that someone deployed a quick update before going on a 1.5 hour car ride to pick someone up and didn't think that the page they tested, to check it was all working after the update, happened to be cached.
no siree bob, not that, na hah.. anyway, you're welcome for the extra chance to, erm, shop..
I got some cheeze itz since I don't do much Christmas. And made cookies. So. . . thanks so much! Like peanut butter cookies?
Learning Other Languages
by Disassociated Lady 2 inthe jw org keeps its servants busier than ever these days so that their minds are occupied 24/7.
they ensure that there is no time for anything "worldly" to distract them.. in last week's watchtower article on spiritual health they are putting pressure on the congregation to learn other languages on top of everything else they do.
they allude to the fact that their spiritual health will suffer if they cannot understand the talks and publications in other languages.
Yeah, but I've had folks at door more than once who were so intent on using their second language that they passed up the opportunity to speak with a person who spoke the same language as they did from birth..
How long until some of the Biblical apocrypha will be inserted into the WT teachings?
by nonjwspouse ini have read through some of these, though not in complete, but enough to see some of these writings could fit into the wt views, such as arian beliefs of jesus.
it would also help separate themselves quite a bit from "christiandom" and their bible.
the "new light" of books not accepted in the canon.
I need to find a reference, but one of the NT teachers or Jesus made reference to things that were only taught in an apocryphal book that is not accepted by the WT but which were considered authoritative enough to use it for teaching, reproving or setting things straight in the NT.
So, it's already in there.
The Great Crowd!
by A Believer innotice the 144000 can be counted and they all come from israel.. 9 after this i saw, and look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*+ standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ .
this great crowd, no man was able to number, and they come from every nation!
No matter what you are reading or how you phrase these things, there is one incontrovertible fact that even the WT agrees with NO ONE would come up with the WT teachings by simply reading scripture. Believer or unbeliever, there is no way that anyone would have come up with the scenario that the WT has proposed (any of them) based on the Bible. The official and unofficial WT teachings and beliefs are unsupported by scripture, whether you believe the scripture or not. The anticipated tribulation as the WT is portraying it and the 1000 years. . . and whatever the hell they claim lies beyond it. Its a whole lot of fantasy mixed with conveniently out of context proof texts. ...
And, I won't lie. The fantasy has some initial appeal. Just don't think about it any deeper than your little fingernail because the entire thing starts looking kind of whacked, illogical and ultimately ugly. If you haven't been enjoying the WT artwork, you should start paying more attention to the end time themed ones, as well as the new system ones. Your fantasy is just that. A fantasy. But after a while, it starts seeming more like a surreal, dystopian nightmare.