I hope that I never consider myself worldly, but I lost the JW identification pretty fast. Some of the ideas stuck around (and still do) regarding attitudes about people living very in very selfish, self serving ways that show no regard for anything but their own interest. When I see some things that people do in escaping their lives as JWs it makes me sad-cause I think they are doing a lot just to rub it in the noses (collective) of JWs-more as a rebellion than anything(I have done a bit of that myself). Online, of course, I see things that *I* think of as worldly, but any person who has any grounding in morality and healthy living would reject much of it also. It doesn't take being a JW. Maybe it takes belief in God or the Bible or societal rules. But I am kind of a prude even now(tattoo notwithstanding)compared to many. My JW mom thinks I am a wildly free spirit sometimes, so that gives you an idea of the continuum I am on. I think I do my best to not judge people harshly, cause I know exactly where I have been my whole life, and at some times, no one could tell me to do differently, and I had to learn through my own harsh life lessons. I am not a worldly person in any sense but the JW sense( I am not a JW!). I took a while to get over the 'what if they are right' thoughts, but they only niggled when I was just confused in general. Reason usually came racing back before I even finished the thought! I don't think holidays, flag saluting, voting are worldly. I think that lying, cheating (in any way), hurting others, abuse, mean-ness, etc are worldly things. I think NOT caring for ones neighbor is the epitome in worldliness-in whatever form it takes. Therefore I am not-or at least strive to not be worldly according to my own thinking and what I understand of the Bible.