With the 14 year old boy having a sexual relationship with an adult JW woman-to JWs it is primarily a question of immorality. So, the 14 year old js not perceived as a victim, but entirely a willing participant in the JW world. They both passed puberty and had seemingly consensual sex. That there was indeed a crime being reported was not important to them, they were mad because this kid was drug into them, unwillingly, and admitted (not confessed) as to his sin. That he had no right to privacy means nothing to the JWs of the world. Confidential, donfidential. You have as much privacy as they choose to give you. They can keep it between you and one elder, tell the entire body of elders, others involved in your sin (whether you wish to involve them or not), and potentially the entire congregation/s (if you have known ties to more than one.
I'm really sick of this religion and any other trying to excuse their own bad acts/crimes by using the bible-especially when I have seen them refer to confidentiality as a important tenet of their disciplinary process. HOGWASH.