JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Just got done glancing at live kingdom hall site and I thought of how smugly Jehovah's Witnesses brag about how they don't have a paid clergy. I saw KHs and assembly hall's with built in apts for visiting overseerers, special visiting dignitaries, caretakers. . .Then I am reminded of all the bethelites supported by JWs, the assessments to provide cars and insurance and support for overseers. . .and I know the elders are unpaid and overtaxed with responsibilities and often their own finances and I wonder if JWs wouldn't be better off with a self supporting church like the local baptists, whose congregations are self supporting in spite of paying a pastor and staff. They still support charities, missions, food banks, reach out in real ways to the community. . .all that humility and the JW leadership lives without worrying about their bills while the ranks are CONSTANTLY pestered for more money. The leadership has no organised efforts to help the JWs even. Even the first century Christians managed that! They lived in tents and dirt floored houses. In fact, charity in times of need is the only thing I remember anyone collecting money for in the NT. Except taxes, and that was the role of rome. The wtbts seems more like a tax collector than a charity. None of the options for helping was to help their brothers, it ALL came back to sending money to Brooklyn bethel. Or the Cayman islands or where it goes these days.Link +6 / -0 -
I lied to the elders
by atacrossroads ini stopped attending meetings all together in january 2015. before that my attendance was irregular at best.
my husband followed suit a few months ago after months of research, agony, and indecision on his part.
from the very beginning i laid low and did not share with anyone what i found out about the witnesses because i did not want to be df'd.
I just read the OP and it was reiterated to me that we all belonged to an organization that ENCOURAGED gossip and tattletelling. Seriously, these are all adults who think they need to come to you with repeated gossip from others. Even if it is true, it is really not your mom's business to tattle and not theirs to repeat gossip-which is all that 2nd hand tales is.
The religion is whacked in that they think they have a right and and OBLIGATION to do these things to others. It's STUPID.
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Is the WT’s Paradise Earth doctrine a delusion?
by deegee inthe wt’s teaching that humans will live forever on a paradise earth will necessitate that given that there will be no more death, then immortal humans will have to be relocated to other planets in order to prevent the earth from becoming overpopulated.. so how many habitable, earth-like planets are there?more and more habitable, earth-like planets would have to become available on a continuous, never-ending basis ad infinitum as mankind’s population grows given that there will be no more death.. the longevity/sustainability of life on these planets will be limited by the fact that the sun serving these planets will eventually die:https://shar.es/1cko6n.
so immortal humans will have to keep moving from planet to planet.
Long before the sun dies, humans would have killed themselves off from pure boredom! 10 or 15 lifetimes would be more than enough of this life, even perfected. Seriously. I don't see why I'd suddenly want pet anything's, I don't like animals in the house now! Most of my dead relatives are fonder in memory than reality, and the exceptions wouldn't make it to the new JW world because they rejected the GB authority. Eternal rest is not the worst idea in the world, especially if the alternative is living as a JW for eternity.
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My old computer is dead: long live my new CHROMEBOOK
by Terry ini had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
Can I pick up a New World Translation from the JW London head office?
by Camperdown9 ini'm an anglican and not a jehovahs witness.
what i dislike about lots of church congregations is their readiness to make unpleasant and unhelpful comments about other christian groups.
recently someone in a church tried to tell me a little about the views of jehovahs witnesses.
I am losing
by NoMoreHustle ini haven't posted anything for a bit, but wanted to express how i am losing this battle.
it has been over 3 years now since i woke up about watchtower.
the battle that i am talking about is the tug of war with my wife (i adore her immensely), watchtower is winning, she simply will not give in to my so-called negative thoughts about the religion that we are in.
Do you have to play the game or can you agree to disagree? As spiritual head, you could say you refuse to lead her astray and yet you won't force her out because of your respect and love for her.
Then leave off snarky commentary and pick up a new hobby or language when she's off serving the Borg.
Please don't raise kids in the Borg no matter what! Parents have to put kids first.
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What would we all do if the watchtower collapsed tomorrow ?
by stan livedeath ini would probably collapse laughing.
It'd funny, I have seen churches disband because not enough supporters could pay the rent/utilities(uncompensated pastor). Members just joined another church and had to travel a bit more for services. There was disappointment, but not life changing upheaval.
This thread is just a reminder of the fact we were truly in a cult!
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Conspiracy: Did the Watchtower set the memorial for the 23rd, because the GB practice Gematria? see for your selfs.
by goingthruthemotions inso i have been thinking.
i know this is something taboo to the dubs, but f them.
i am a free moral agent.
No, it just means that they have given their self righteous priggishness another checked box. -
Almost three months since Crisis of Conscience Cease and Desist
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am very interested in getting crisis of conscience being fully available as soon as possible.
march 12th will mark exactly three months since the cease-and-desist letter was written.. i understand that things are slow and that deborah may be sick, but i was just wondering if anyone knew the status.
i have been asked twice already where the book can be obtained in spanish and i have told people that the book is not available.. there are ways to make ebooks extremely hard to share.
I hope it's available soon. I appreciate your reasons for feeling urgent. I left around the same time as franz and his book was a validation for me. I got it in 86/7? Wish mom would've read it! When was it first published? I looked so hard for back then! I lived in NYC. Man, that takes me back!Link +1 / -0 -
Yesterday, Colorado JW, Ralph Candelario, found guilty (of murdering his JW wife) on all counts & tampering w/evidence
by AndersonsInfo inralph candelario is a jw.
he murdered his jw wife (his second wife) around january 2014 in walsenburg, colorado.
his first wife disappeared and has never been found but the jury was not permitted to know this.
10 years ago his mom was arrested for putting her grandson in a dog kennel every night for 3 years. That's where he came from. She thought it was the only alternative to the boy running the streets while was at work. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/grandmother-accused-of-locking-grandson-in-dog-kennel-charged