JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Mexico ends use of House-to-House Record & Please Follow Up
by wifibandit inin a letter to all congregations dated april 27, 2016 the central american branch (mexico) has ended the use of s-8-s and s-43-s.
So, are they still counting their TIME? -
Food trends/Sweet dreams
by JWdaughter inok, i like to bake, cook, read and write.
my goal, short term is to work on a winning entry for the pillsbury bake off this year and other food contests.
i plan to write, maybe blog about the process.. my small problem with pillsbury is that i am a home baker.
Last contest wanted crisco
Food trends/Sweet dreams
by JWdaughter inok, i like to bake, cook, read and write.
my goal, short term is to work on a winning entry for the pillsbury bake off this year and other food contests.
i plan to write, maybe blog about the process.. my small problem with pillsbury is that i am a home baker.
Complex spice blends, prepared sauces, compotes, veggie mixes. I can adapt, I like homemade so much better, but hey, my secret vice is Velveeta, so there's a chance:) -
Food trends/Sweet dreams
by JWdaughter inok, i like to bake, cook, read and write.
my goal, short term is to work on a winning entry for the pillsbury bake off this year and other food contests.
i plan to write, maybe blog about the process.. my small problem with pillsbury is that i am a home baker.
Millie, you are a person after my own heart. Organic and natural is not trending in the Pillsbury bake off at last check. They have had gluten free, but that's against my religion, unless it's straight up meat and potatoes. I am thinking about vegetarian or Indian/American fusion, my every day reality. The thing is, I want to win the whole thing, not just the healthy category. Who knows. The biggest limitation is 7 ingredients! Hamburger helper has that. -
Food trends/Sweet dreams
by JWdaughter inok, i like to bake, cook, read and write.
my goal, short term is to work on a winning entry for the pillsbury bake off this year and other food contests.
i plan to write, maybe blog about the process.. my small problem with pillsbury is that i am a home baker.
Ok, I like to bake, cook, read and write. My goal, short term is to work on a winning entry for the Pillsbury bake off this year and other food contests. I plan to write, maybe blog about the process.
My small problem with pillsbury is that I am a home baker. My strength is that I haven't always been. I was a young person who grew into this love of baking because I adore bread.
Now though, even if I find an appealing quick Pillsbury product recipe, using a mix galls me, I even soak and cook beans and make refried beans. I'm weird, I know.
From you all in more sophisticated circles, or more foodie ones, anyway, I hope you will suggest any upcoming food trends. We've had the salted caramel, kale, cronut fads, fashions, superfoods.
I am right now exploring Trinidads foods, and Indian flavor profiles. I think food from Trinidad smells better:) I still prefer baking to cooking, but I need a win and this is in my wheelhouse. Suggestions and encouragement welcome!
by megabyte_vijay init is strange to read the last week watchtower that encouraging child/teenagers' baptism.
even jesus was baptised as his 30. jws encouraging marriages at an older age.
but why they are encouraging children to get baptised.
Soon they will encourage early marriage and childbearing will be pushed to Duggar proportions to bump the numbers. Maybe in the loyalty convention. -
My brother died last night
by LisaRose ini found out this morning that my brother died last night, he was also an ex jw, 73 years old and died of heart disease and kidney failure.
it was not totally unexpected, as he had been in poor health, but it's a blow, especially as i just lost another brother two years ago.
there were six of us, now only four.
Lisa, I'm sorry for your loss. Take care.
What should I visit while in New York
by wannaexit ini am planning a trip to new york and trying to develop an itinerary.
t will be my first time.
what do you suggest i see?
I lived there 30 years ago. Don't buy electronics in times sqare. I saw them selling PanasOanic radio's. I imagine it's now cell phones that are from Appel or something. Don't get snagged by a street hustlers card games. Be judicious about eating street food. Eat NY pizza. God I miss that!
See if your favorite authors lived there. I went to see where Louisa May Alcott lived and her neighborhood. shop at the street art/food/flea markets. Buy a small piece of art from a street vendor that created it. Have a handful of quarters or tokens for street performers. Play checkers with an old guy in the park. Be open to conversation. People do talk, don't be afraid-or weird. Eat a lot. Go to a Greek diner. I don't know why, but I liked them. Get out of Manhattan and visit queens or Brooklyn or my old neighborhood, gun hill road, in the Bronx. By the medical school or hospital.
Beautiful time to visit! Have a wonderful visit. Just experience the city.
The half frozen pudding was the only thing I looked forward to. Bringing our own TP was not a highlight. We all know that running out was not uncommon. . .drip drying doesnt always work, -
There will be a Funeral service for Prince in the Kingdom Hall this sunday
by Farai inabout 30-50 high profile guests are expected among 300 other guests.
the kingdom hall has requested for support from the police for crowd/traffic control .
JWs will tape with permission and they will make sure it is watched by as many prince fans as possible. It'll be a pr/evangelizing tool. People watch that crap and lots of rabid on down to sentimental fans will watch. :(