My mom always talks about traveling and seeing "the sights". In this perfect temperate world, will the mountains have snow? Will the desert get hot? How is she getting to Mt. Kilamanjaro or whatever? No planes. . . rowboat? Sailing ship? Who is building the ship=and why should they have to while she is galivanting around the world?
She whined about the lack of washcloths and towels when she was in VENICE (for crying out loud, the woman finally got to Venice and she complains about that. Hey, mom, there is a bunch of sand surrounding the pyramids, and no shade. . . how you gonna get there? I rode a camel and TRUST ME, you don't want to ride a camel!
Mom imagines a garden and all these animals wandering about peacefully. That is wonderful until the panda and elephant poop start piling up in your garden. . . she lost her freaking mind when the neighbors dog pooped in her yard. It was a little bitty turd. . . barely noticed it from a teacup poodle or something.
She hates to cook. She doesn't garden. This isn't because she is decrepit or disabled-she just doesn't enjoy it. She watches theocratic stuff online. She hangs out with old JW ladies watching WT videos and youtube stuff. I'm thinking that it won't be something to do in the new system she envisions. Who is going to prepare her food, where is she getting it? Who will repair her microwave-cause that is pretty much her main food prep tool these days.?
The only JW in her family is her sister and her dead brother (who was DF'd but probably still believed the teachings) Her paradise is going to be kind of lonely, even if the memory of all her kids and grandkids is forgotten. However much she says she loves us, she speaks of us all as if we are beneath her contempt. She disapproves of all her grandkids and has explicitly stated that she doesn't like pretty much every descendant that she has. She loves us but doesn't "like" us. Fun paradise for her. Many of her dearest JW friends have left or dropped off the map (left, but shes not talking about it.)
I think her paradise will be filled with literal and metaphorical crap.