I'm sorry. Is your husband still a true believer?
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Question about an elder and if I am crazy
by life is to short inok so i have a question.
i was a very, very true believer until i saw the child molesters in my hall and how that whole thing was handled.. my husband is older than i am and had been an elder for 12 when we married.
so fast forward to 06, we are in a hall where i thought all the elders were ok at the worst and great at the best.
Another WT quote taken out of context from Author
by LevelThePlayingField inin this weeks mid week meeting the society is trying to explain why humans are a higher level of being than animals and then they say this: .
12 “so, to me how precious your thoughts are!
o god, how much does the grand sum of them amount to!
The author was made that statement, and the statements surrounding it clarified the meaning and also provides the foundation and context to the statement under discussion, but that's just my opinion. It truly is intellectually dishonest to quote the statements as authoritative when they would deny the author attribution because the science book, the very PARAGRAPH from which they are quoting, goes against their teachings.
Another WT quote taken out of context from Author
by LevelThePlayingField inin this weeks mid week meeting the society is trying to explain why humans are a higher level of being than animals and then they say this: .
12 “so, to me how precious your thoughts are!
o god, how much does the grand sum of them amount to!
It is technically not a false quotation. It is out of context, especially considering that they are relying on the expertise of source whom they give no credibility to because of the expressed belief on evolution. It is further offensive in they make unattributed quotes. Anyone who passed 6th grade knows better, and anyone in high school knows it will lower grades significantly. But why? There are morals, ethics, laws and respectable and responsible journalism at stake. Of course, that would not really impact JWs.
Old Letter to the Governing Body
by WITNESS-FOR-WATCHTOWER-REFORM inthis is an older letter i wrote to the gb in october last year in regards to their policy around shunning of dissociated ones.
the letter doesn't focus on the disfellowshiped, but am in the process right now of writing to them regarding their recent watchtower on shunning disfellowshipped relatives.. the letter i wrote back in october rambles on a bit, but wanted to express my frustration to the governing body about their very unfair policy toward those who simply choose to leave.. regards.
the governing body.
And what did the letter that you received in reply say?
India 2016 Convention Highlights
by darkspilver inlooks like india just got the revised (silver) new world translation..... https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6023413583839232/no-more-printing-wt-awake-my-country-shit-just-got-real.
How many JWs are in India? We used to have the two day assemblies with more people than that when our whole state had less than 2 million people in it.
What made it historic? A REGIONAL convention with 2200? Historic low? What?
Probably Not The Most Effective Anti-JW Protest ...
by Joe Grundy innewspaper headline:.
"primary school teacher grabbed jehovah's witness by throat while celebrating end of term in swansea".
link here:.
Some history there, eh? Too bad that this is the assault that made the news. Most things though that happen between JWs are never reported.
Homosexuals are allowed in halls generally. I doubt that flaming drunk people usually are, though:)
by WITNESS-FOR-WATCHTOWER-REFORM indue to unforeseen circumstances, i need to say goodbye.
proverbs 14:16 nlt.
i have every faith that the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will bring about needed change very soon given the continuous pressure they face.
I wrote similar letters 35 years ago. Don't hold your breath waiting for any positive changes from the org. I'm so sorry that you are living such a marginalized life while waiting for the improbable. Take care of your heart. They won't.
Mouthy's Funeral (video)
by mouthys_other_granddaughter infor those interested, this is the video of mouthy's (grace) funeral from september 8, 2016. https://youtu.be/yvmiwo0ycds.
thanks again everybody for the kind words about her - she will be sorely missed by our family as i know she will be by many of you too!
Thank you. I still can't quite imagine that she's not in this world anymore.
Are quality restaurants even slightly aware of the concept..
by The Rebel inof providing high quality food?.
personally i prefer the small restaurants with a owner who cooks the food.
often the food is equally imaginative and just as tasty as the more expensive restaurant.
If it comforts anyone, I make my own refried beans, cook my black beans from dry, bake most of my own bread, make my own tahini, hummus and just today made salted tahini chocolate chip cookies and also some lemon pecan shortbread.
I make homemade everything, just about, from scratch-except noodles. I buy meat raw and not processed with any seasonings or coatings.I mix my own italian seasonings, mexican seasonings, curry and garam masala. (I do use jarred ginger garlic paste) I freeze my own broccoli from fresh. Best home fries ever. I even figured out how to make my own "cream of (mushroom/chicken/whatever) soup to add to 'convenience' recipes. I compromise on all this sometimes to practice for the Pillsbury bake off, but not really holding my breath, there!
Restaurants and chefs know what quality food is, but often just don't give a darn about your family. YOU do, so learn how to cook! There are ways to simplify and streamline and keep quality (like my frozen broccoli and big batches of frozen beans-they take forever to prepare properly from dry, so I make big batches and freeze in dinner recipe sized portions).
The only problem is that normal american diets require more than just a few basic staples, which means that I have a lot of grains, veg and meat in my freezer and pans to cook all the stuff. I'm not that great a cook, but I am an aspiring foodie. And I know how to make a baguette, which is more than most of the people on the GBBO can do!
My Brother Called Me Yesterday...
by pale.emperor inmy brother isn't a witness but he was raised one like we all were.
after 15 years living his own life he decided about a year ago to have a bible study.
this being the case, as a non baptized witness he can still speak to me but he's getting a lot of pressure not to from elders and the rest of my family.
I worry thatv your brother seems more convinced after the video t ghe an he was before. Cigs or not, they have him in his head, if not his heart. He wants the jw fantasy even tho he knows he can't live it. Just remind him that if he backsides after committing to it, you will be there for him. Does he fully understand that they will reject him like they do you when that happens? [And it will happen]