If it comforts anyone, I make my own refried beans, cook my black beans from dry, bake most of my own bread, make my own tahini, hummus and just today made salted tahini chocolate chip cookies and also some lemon pecan shortbread.
I make homemade everything, just about, from scratch-except noodles. I buy meat raw and not processed with any seasonings or coatings.I mix my own italian seasonings, mexican seasonings, curry and garam masala. (I do use jarred ginger garlic paste) I freeze my own broccoli from fresh. Best home fries ever. I even figured out how to make my own "cream of (mushroom/chicken/whatever) soup to add to 'convenience' recipes. I compromise on all this sometimes to practice for the Pillsbury bake off, but not really holding my breath, there!
Restaurants and chefs know what quality food is, but often just don't give a darn about your family. YOU do, so learn how to cook! There are ways to simplify and streamline and keep quality (like my frozen broccoli and big batches of frozen beans-they take forever to prepare properly from dry, so I make big batches and freeze in dinner recipe sized portions).
The only problem is that normal american diets require more than just a few basic staples, which means that I have a lot of grains, veg and meat in my freezer and pans to cook all the stuff. I'm not that great a cook, but I am an aspiring foodie. And I know how to make a baguette, which is more than most of the people on the GBBO can do!