"We also receive new glorified bodies in an instant , and there are no disembodied souls floating anywhere on the clouds , alththough I do wonder about some folks !"
Alrighty then! So is this a church you are attending or an LSD party?
i've recently started studying with a house church movement, and they have an interesting slant on the ressurection and eternity:.
firstly with regard to time and space as we experience it in our 4 dimensional world and time as experienced in the spiritual world :.
it seems that time between the two worlds does not run parrallel, and of course god and christ can move and exist outside of time and space in both worlds , hence it is possible for god to see all of history at once - should he choose too.
"We also receive new glorified bodies in an instant , and there are no disembodied souls floating anywhere on the clouds , alththough I do wonder about some folks !"
Alrighty then! So is this a church you are attending or an LSD party?
edited to change thread title: .
is god's love so wonderful that he will save everyone?
even satan and his dark angels?
Here's a simple idea:
How about accepting the ephemeral nature of human existence? Lose your fear of fleeting mortality. Live each moment to its maximum potential. Do something incredible with THIS LIFE rather than worrying about some mythical nether-world dreamed up by ancient mystics thousands of years ago in the desert?
What continues to mystify me is why believers must interject supernatural hoopla into the simplicity of life. Everything you NEED is already there INSIDE you and until you stop looking beyond your own inner being for strength and power, you will be lost within a silly, primordial spirit world, unable to realize your full HUMAN potential.
The only salvation you or anyone else needs is salvation from FEAR and SUPERSTITION. Let the gods die...only then will you be born.....
i need an original english copy of our kingdom ministry from february 2007, page 5.. in article declare abroad jehovahs excellencies is amazing announcement.
this phrase is in last paragraph (15) and in czech language reads: .
the memorial season give us an opportunity to anointed our father in heaven.. now as soon as this memorial season has been ended, this opportunity will be gone forever.
with all the talk about the new watchtower format, i thought i would throw out an idea i had recently, on how the tower could solve its current cash flow problem.. .
its very evident that they do have a serious problem with declining income, and that the real cause of this was the switch to the donation arrangement.
although at the time, it seemed like a smart move that would avoid the nightmare and expense of paying taxes, its clear to see that it has had an impact on the bottom line.
It will sell the literature to individuals. Yes, as in, all items will be clearly marked with a price, and the dub will buy what he needs.
The problem is, most dubs are dirt poor. The ones that do have money, are usually the least active in the door-banging, and are exceptionally tight-wad with their money. While the poorer ones tend to be the most zealous and hence are the ones that would need to spend the most on the literature but be the least able to afford it.
Finally, the Pioneers, by and large, are completely destitute, so at the very least the Borg would have to provide the literature pro bono to the Pioneer drones or they would completely dry up the door banger industry.
"If the Creationists are going to be beaten for not having an education in terms relating to evolution, why shouldn't their detractors take a similar beating when they misapply theological terms?"
While I always love a sassy rebuttal from my favourite Scotsman, it seems the issue is not with Christian Theology, rather evolutionary science versus a very specific, Old Testament "Creation" myth written by wandering desert nomads thousands of years ago, which is, in fact merely a derivative of much older creation myths passed down from tribe to tribe over eons.....
Having said that, the creation myth of Genesis (which is, in reality the version of creation that is being debated here, or at least on the threads you refer to) is pretty much understood by any person raised in the Western Hemisphere, let alone ex-JWs, who have had the myths of Genesis pounded into our heads from our first breath!
Having said that, I shall retort with my own rejoinder for the Creationists: a link with ALL extant myths of creation available at the click of a button!
"blizzard targets northeast".
"record snow falls for date in chicago".
"hearing on 'warming of planet' cancelled because of ice storms".
Whatever you say Warlock. 2000 published scientists MUST be wrong if Professor Warlock tells us so! LMAO....
p.s. Hows the air up there and is their room for the classicist? LOL.....
i want to thank all of you for all your thoughtful pms.
i'll respond to them in time but can't at the moment.
i wanted to just check in and let you know that i'm doing relatively ok. the confrontation with my parents was a bit sticky.
"So i don't know were to go from here but i guess i'm just trying to keep the peace for right now even if i have to swallow my pride and dignity."
Just stay calm and let things cool off. You're only 17 and still depend on them for support, physically and financially. Especially if you want to go to College, you will very likely need some material support from them. You are playing a high stakes poker game here, and lots of well-timed bluffing is in order. Never show them your cards....
Think short-term pain for long-term gain, even if it means having to put on a "show" for a few more years. I did it right until my 3rd year of University when my "fade" was complete, not only was I able to make it all the way to my Doctoral degree, I now have the career I always wanted.....simply because I was willing to play their game for a few years, even if it meant having to sit through the odd meeting or assembly. My facade paid off in the long run, and while I had to deal with some inconveniences for a few years, I always knew they could not change what was inside my mind, even if my physical body had to be present at the Kingdumb hall.....
Play their game for a few more years, at least until you get your education under your belt. After that, you're a free man. Trust me on this. Walk softly and carry a big stick, do a slow, steady fade, avoid discussing religious issues with them and when you do, just smile and nod.
For the record, my dad is a P.O. and my mom is an even MORE gung-ho JW. If I did it, anyone can.....
hi.. is anyone aware of the latest kingdom ministry article concerning the memorial invite campaign??
apparently, it says something along the lines of ......once this memorial season is over, our chance to praise jehovah will be gone forever..........is anyone else aware of this???
an end to door to door work????.
"......once this memorial season is over, our chance to praise Jehovah will be gone forever"
I would be shocked if this were true. The door-banging is their # 1 mechanism of control over the R+F. I still dont believe they would ever give this up. Hope someone puts a scan up.
after a few years of humming and hawing, i decided i would.
it was more of what i would take that held me back then if i should go.. i'm only 28, so i'm not too far behind.
we'll see how working full time and going to school will go.
Go for it!
We have a couple first year Meds students in their mid-30s as mature students, so I dont think its ever too late if your circumstances allow it.
I find the mature students take the classes far more seriously.
what happened to the versatile jewish girl with braces from nyc.. .
She had made some comment that if she appeared on AI she would lose her opera scholarship, maybe she chose to leave.
She's definitely not in the final 12 girls and no sign of her during the Hollywood week. Weird there was no comment about it from the host.