I'm shocked. Very sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences.
Posts by kid-A
RIP Dansk (aka Ian), 18.12.1953- 20.12.2008
by faundy inhave posted this on the other thread but just making this one as well:
i need to let you know that dad passed away this morning at 8am.
he fought so hard but in the end they could not get his blood pressure to rise and he died of heart failure.
I was very angry and upset when I posted last. I regret losing it, but I stand by what I said, I could of said it more calmly.
I am human and we all have our breaking points. This whole situation has opened my eyes to how cruel people can be.
One can only hope it has opened the eyes of some posters about the pitiful dramatics and lying some posters on discussion boards will sink to in order to gain attention. You were caught in a web of ridiculous lies and histrionic dramatics worthy of a "HallMark Movie of the Week". You have not been able to deny the fact that you have told lie upon lie, deceit upon deceit. How pitiful that the best you can come up with is some 10-cent cut-and-paste from an imbecile like "Dr. Phil" as your swan song to this sordid episode.
I have explained myself. Life is strange. My mistake was sharing parts of mine here. I did not scam anyone. I did not plan anything of any ill intent to take anything from this board.
You have explained nothing, you have accounted for nothing. If you honestly believe you have, the magnitude of your self-delusion is only matched in grotesqueness to the depths of your lying and manipulations. If you had any dignity remaining, you would have left the board, just as Trevor did...who at least had the wisdom to know "when the jig was up"...
I have only given to this board my compassion and my care. You can read my posts and see what I am like. My silence on the board did not mean I felt guilty.
I don't feel guilty because I did nothing wrong. I know the truth.
Horseshit. What you "gave" this board was a ridiculous online course in discussion board histrionics and scripted dramatics, which you played (rather ineptly might I add) to the cuddle club, with your "scene-partner" erynw. Of course you dont feel guilty. Sociopaths never feel remorse, regardless of whether their lying bullshit has been exposed or not. You would do well to buy yourself a DSM-IV manual and attempt to diagnose you and your girlfriend. Alternatively, Jerry Springer is always looking for new guests.
My silence only was because I could not bear to read those attacks further. People will believe what they want to, and some slander others for the fun of it.
So be it, have fun with that.
More rubbish. Your silence was because you were finally strung up on your own petard and exposed for the fraud you are. I doubt the members of the board who trusted you and your girlfriend had any "fun" with this episode whatsoever. The only consolation is that perhaps some people have learned from this. Regrettably, you will always have your cheerleaders....as PT Barnum so wisely warned us, there is a sucker born every minute. Its what makes the world go round....
My life is my business and what I chose to share and not share with others, is up to me, not up to the board.
Yes, it is your business. However, if you post about your personal life on an open discussion board, you have intentionally made it "others" business. Is that really so difficult for you to comprehend?
I am not an evil person. People who know me, know this. I care about people. That is who I am. I have alot to give and if that is a flaw, so be it.
I am not ashamed to be a giving person.
I dont think anyone thinks you are evil. Again, more demonstration of your histrionic tendencies. People think you are a fool, possibly a chronic liar, but evil? Please. You give yourself far too much credit. This entire episode will be forgotten within a week, I assure you.
When I was trying to tell people on the werewolf game that I was a villager, no one believed me. I offered to be seen by the seer, and my aura to be revealed by the auralist, and still no one believed me. I knew I was innocent, but they all thought that my continued defence of myself was proof that I was guilty. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It was finally proved by the auralist that I was not lying. I wish I had a way to show you that I am not, but there is no crystal ball. There is no auralist to show you my innocence.
Really sad, and another demonstration of your dramatic flair, to use a bloody "video game" to garner sympathy from the posters your deceived. More evidence of your distorted perception and a glimpse into the parrallel universe you and ernie seem to blissfully frolic through.....
I only expect further attacks from the same group of people. I have no unrealistic expectations that this post will change their abusive behavior. I wish no ill towards them.
Ah, finally showing some grasp of reality. Yes, that about sums things up I would say....
To the good hearted people here, I wish you all the best and much love. You deserve it.
Indeed, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Sadly, I have no doubt you will retain some of your fan base. Afterall, your JWD "dramatic series" was highly watched. You can whack people in the heads with a sack full of iron clad evidence, and they will still fail to grasp reality.
by Mary ini don't have much time to post as i'm headed back to the hospital, but my father collapsed this morning and had to be rushed to the hospital.
in a nutshell: he needs a blood transfusion as his hemoglobin is dropping (bleeding internally), but thanks to this fucking cult, that's not an option...........he'll accept the fractions but those bastards from the blood liaison committee have already shown up to ensure he doesn't cave............... for those of you who still believe, i'm asking you to say a prayer for my dad........and if anyone from crooklyn is reading this: you better hope my father doesn't die due to your fucked up rules, .
Sorry to hear about this Mary. I hope everything works out.
Blaming People for their Cancer
by rebel8 injust heard someone has cancer, and the dubbies are busy trying to determine which by type of "immorality" the person gave themselves cancer.
having been on the receiving end of this most heartless behavior in the past, i theorized: .
(a) they never miss an opportunity to point out they're morally superior, so they can fuel their very fragile egos.
This is classic JW behaviour, and you have hit the nail on the head regarding the underlying psychological motivations.
This seems to be an extension of the prototypical JW mindset seeking to search and uncover underlying "worldly" evil, at every turn. Having said that, I have
only observed this in JWs referring to the cancer or disease-state of a non-JW....obviously if a "worldly" person gets cancer or some other dreaded disease, they
somehow 'deserved' it due to their debauched lifestyle.
by Terry inthinking out loud.... .
justice.. topics that need discussing.
justice is getting what you deserve.
"Wrong again. At least you are consistent. My friendly neighborhood doctor told me that he cannot create life."
> And what is the point of this comment, Joseph? If you took the time to get educated in organic chemistry, astrophysics and evolutionary molecular biology as many of us have done, you would perhaps understand that the necessary preconditions for the establishment of rudimentary organic lifeforms can and did occur in the primordial liquid conditions that existed on this planet, billions of years ago. Instead, like a standard JW drone, you prefer to accept the scientific "knowledge" of ignorant goat-herders who decided to write down their silly myths and fables whilst wandering through the desert 2000 years ago. In any case, you cannot even prove the existence of your "god" let alone describe how such an imaginary being somehow decided one day to brew up a male and female homo sapien in his magical cauldron and place them in his little "garden of eden" amusement park.
It betrays your fundamental misunderstanding of how scientific knowledge and theories are promulgated and tested by your implication that because a scientist cannot create lifeform in a petri dish, ergo the evolutionary origins of life on this planet must somehow be false....and it is simply pathetic that your "default" belief structure would be the absurdist nonsense contained in the old testament (i.e. "The Goat Herders Guide to the Universe")....
"Your definitions are wrong. And I simply leave the rest for others to see."
> No, actually his definitions are spot on. It is yours that are completely wrong....see above. Indeed, you have provided no "definitions" because you appear to base your "knowledge" on the wisdom of primeval dimwits who wrote their "holy book" in the context of complete and utter scientific ignorance. You are very talented at regurgitating silly little biblical scriptures in a futile attempt to prove your point, but honestly Mr. Malik, dont you think a board populated by ex-JWs can see right through this little "elders" trick? Bible quotes have about as much significance to many of us as the garbage printed in the CrapTower and Asleep.....
"It is not necessary to refute every argument or enlighten every person. The reasoing goes like this: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God."
> No, Mr. Malik, it is necessary to refute the nonsense of the bible and particularly those who claim that it has any scientific, moral or other validity besides its significance as a literary curiosity and/or a psychological template for the establishment of cult-like thinking. This quote from Luke, is this supposed to represent an "argument" or even a valid "point"? If so, please enlighten us because I fail to see that it has any significance beyond some cynical call to arms to the "faithful" advocates of stultified, stale proselytizing. Indeed, you are a strange bird, Mr. Malik.
For Christians: Grace vs. Forgiveness
by AuldSoul ini have been trying to sort this out scripturally, and would like to get input from christians on how these two concepts differ and/or overlap.
please be liberal with scriptures to support statements.
i think there may be others who are trying to figure this out for themselves, too.
I see AuldSoul is back in his "pompous windbag" mode, now that he has gone back to his original board account.
I often wonder why someone such as yourself ever left the Kingdom Hall, when your personality lends itself so exquisitely to the "Elder" persona: pig-headed arrogance, xenophobic avoidance of any concept that insults your pre-conceived notion of what is "correct" coupled with a seething rage that bubbles forth whenever someone dares challenge you in your piss-marked territory.
It takes a genuine prick to start a thread on an open, public discussion board wherein one attempts to "block" all competing points of view from participation. Classic JW mindset. Classic "AuldSoul" style pedantry and intellectual dishonesty.
I'm not really surprised AuldSoul, your recent behaviour on the board demonstrates you are headed for another meltdown wherein you shall stomp off the board in a hissy fit whilst bemoaning how the evil atheists have taken over the discussions, post some ridiculous "I'm outta here" message on your profile, set up some dummy accounts with new usernames and begin trolling here under assumed identities. How many do you have here now, three? Fortunately for you, most of the posters here have short memories regarding your shenanigans on the board over the last several months. Get off your [edited] high horse.
Anyone Else from Canada?
by Miss 8572 ini'm really intrigued by that fact that i may know some of you and yet not know that i know you.
i just want to know how many people from canada are here.
if you don't mind and don't care about posting your province (cause i'm too timid to) we could all get an idea of just how many canucks are really out there.
Southwestern Ontario region here,
Happy Canada Day !
Why do witnesses intentionally avoid having kids?
by NotaNess in1) don't want to deal with it at meetings is what i think would be on the top of the list.they see what others have to go through.. 2) i know a married couple jws, that are avoiding having kids, and i've heard of reasons from them like.... "don't want to raise them up in this system".
"time is too short".
"i'll wait until the next system of things".
I've known more JW breeders than non-JW. Several JW couples in my hall had 4-5 children.
The fact that they are simply giving JW type excuses about their decision to remain child-free does not necessarily mean those are their real reasons. Most people (including myself) who decide not to have children base this decision on a variety of factors:
1) Not everyone likes children and can barely tolerate their behaviour.
2) Some of us prefer an adult lifestyle and having a disposable income for luxuries such as vacations and fineries.
3) Some of us have extremely demanding careers that exclude the possibility of child-rearing.
4) Some of us like the freedom to do whatever we want, whenever we want without having to worry about nannies, baby-sitters etc.
As for this woman being 60 and "regretting" not having any children. I have never known ANYBODY who regretted this decision, particularly since they usually have stellar careers and incredible accomplishments in their lives, things that would have been impossible with the burden of children.
The only thing I would regret would be the enormous opportunities and experiences I would have to sacrifice if I were to have children, including a diminished career and a near total-loss of freedom and quality of life.
Bottom line: those still believing in such nonsense simply demonstrate, sadly, the often irreversible effects of Watchtower brainwashing.
Update: So I've been going to some meetings (and other things)
by WingCommander ini've been absent from this board from some time, as i've been through alot the past few months.
firstly, my mother passed away after complications from her surgery.
so i've lost my entire family since 1999. i'm an only child.
Sorry to hear about your situation. Please be aware of the underlying feelings and emotions that are drawing you back to the Watchtower corporation and carefully analyse your purely "emotional" reasons versus what your logical mind is telling you.
Finally, I believe any adult has the right to choose whichever religion they want. However, please dont expose an innocent child to this organization, even on sundays. There is no justification for exposing a child to even the potential for brainwashing. I think it will be devastatingly damaging to a childs mind to have been living a normal life for so many years, then finding themselves back in the bizarre, upside down universe of the JWs.