My wife is ironing my dress shirt as we speak.
It was in a ball on the closet floor.
My wife is ironing my dress shirt as we speak.
It was in a ball on the closet floor.
my father was well off.
elder for 40 years.. he pioneered for 25 years and the attitude was, 'well it's nothing for him, no sacrifice, he has money!".
when he quit for health reasons the attitude was, 'why isn't bro.
If the R&F feel this way, it's amazing how many keep it up for so long.
It used to feel like a dead-end job to me. Worked like crazy for the cong and then get bashed by the elders for not doing more.
my father was well off.
elder for 40 years.. he pioneered for 25 years and the attitude was, 'well it's nothing for him, no sacrifice, he has money!".
when he quit for health reasons the attitude was, 'why isn't bro.
my father was well off.
elder for 40 years.. he pioneered for 25 years and the attitude was, 'well it's nothing for him, no sacrifice, he has money!".
when he quit for health reasons the attitude was, 'why isn't bro.
My father was well off. Elder for 40 years.
He pioneered for 25 years and the attitude was, 'well it's nothing for him, no sacrifice, he has money!"
When he quit for health reasons the attitude was, 'Why isn't Bro. 5th Dad pioneering, he can afford to!"
He went to the Elder school one year and I asked him what was new. He said "same 'ol thing... your not doing enough, do more!'
His response surprised me because he's so hardcore.
So I believe that a lot of hardcore J Dubs feel this.
" Take my yoke upon YOU and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment for YOUR souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” - Matthew 11: 29,30
i have a problem.
my hubby and i are tying to fade out completely, but we ran into a snag.
my in-laws showed up with a stack of time slips and said that they will turn them in for us if we fill them out.
Everyone I knew tried to report their time as accurately as they could.
That's not taking into account those who counted through coffee breaks which I always did.
you don't need to understand chinese.
this guy is amazing.
Must be DEMONS!
if you went on a bethel tour right now, what would you do/look for/ask/say there?.
We used to joke: "Seen one bethel, you've seen 'em all!"
hello everyone.. i'm new to this forum.
i left the organization several months ago, and am on a new path now.
though i didn't grow up in the organization, i have basically lived a life of pretending to be something i'm not, sheltering my feelings from everyone, and not feeling "enough" to anyone.
per a "top secret, confidential, burn this after you read it" letter to all boes, dated march 2, 2010, but not read in our congregation until this past week:.
new "kingdom ministry" school for all elders and ministerial servants, to be held (in the us anyway) between november 2010 and january 2011.. 6 hours of jaw dropping tedium instruction for ms, 9 for elders.
ms session to be held on a sunday, elders on friday and saturday.. the "super secret surprise", for elders only: a new textbook will be released to be studied at this "school".
One thing the New Elder's Manual will probable deal with more is Internet and Apostacy. Go figure.
Good to see you.
i'm brand new to the board.
long time, "big shot" elder, ....taught at km school, conventions, etc.
yeah, i know it means nothing....but it gives you an idea of how deep i've been a jw.. i don't even really know what to write at this point.
For God's sake, can you put on some pants, you're gonna poke someone in the eye with that thing!
Welcome to the board!