This topic to me kind of demonstrates the disconnect and bitterness that comes to most after departing the Org.
I mean, come on folks!
A lot of those things you're bitching about were fun and good times. Don't let your distaste for the Truthâ„¢ ruin good memories.
My favorites:
- Making Kingdom muffins with my friends at the assemblies early in the morning. We used to add double cheese to ours and stick them in a corner off the tray.
- Staying up all night at the Convention doing 'security'. Passed out at 4am on the couch for the drama. We were more of a pain to the real security guards at the Stadium.
- Planting trees at Bethel in the rain with all my friends.
- Working at changing the territory boundaries with the C.O. on a big ass map. Arguing with him where the line should go. It was hilarious.
Anyway, I for one treasure a lot of great memories about my 'privileges'.
And that's all I gotta say about that.