Change your sign on the door. Try something like.... Possessed Satanists live here. alternatively, do what I do. Answer the door making sure you have either just eaten a load of garlic or onions. Dont say a word, just stare. Let them do all their talking and continue to stare, preferably at something just over their shoulder. See how long they carry on talking to you. Its great fun!!
JoinedPosts by andy2tanx
They rang our bell!!
by dedpoet indespite the fact that 2 da'd people live here, we have requested notto be called on except by prior arrangement, ie a phone call, and i put a sign up recently that says "religious groups welcome except for jehovahs witnesses", they still rang ourdoorbell this morning.. when i saw who it was, i went to the security door and asked them why they were ringing a da'd persons bell.
this guy said "well.
we wouldn't have knocked your door", then tried to get in past me.
Fawlty Towers
by Sunspot inmy cheeks are hurting.
i laughed so hard that i missed some of the precious fast moving dialogue!
my pbs station has begun to rerun old "fawlty towers" programming!!
gringojj - you really mean it don't you? Jesus Christ, you're warning us about what exactly? That we will all become the spawn of Satan for watching a 1970's sitcom? I can't believe you truly believe that? Man, you need to take a long hard look at yourself and listen to what you say!! you make me more glad than ever I got out of that hateful, lying spiteful cult.
Fawlty Towers
by Sunspot inmy cheeks are hurting.
i laughed so hard that i missed some of the precious fast moving dialogue!
my pbs station has begun to rerun old "fawlty towers" programming!!
Flowery Twats was the best sign joke....
Gringoj - are you for real? -
Piercings and tattoos...
by hannahpowell inhello i am a 15 year old.
i used to be a jehovah's witness growing up but left the meetings a few years ago.
now i'm keen to go back with my parents but i'd like to know what jehovah's witnesses think of piercings and tattoos.
...sorry you may not want to hear this, but...
will they be unhappy about the way you look? Is the Pope a Catholic? Course they will. But I think you knew that answer before you asked didn't you?
So long a sYOU are happy about how you look, what does it matter? -
Leaving the Truth - Songs to Destroy Your Faith By
by tetrapod.sapien inas some of you may know, i am a recently self-deconverted jw.
the experience of deconversion was at times emotional.
i have compiled a list of songs i would listen to on those emotionally turbulent occasions.
Stiff Little Fingers - Wasted Life, Gotta Getaway and Its A Long Way To Paradise (From Here)
Lyrics from Wasted Life -
I dont wanna waste my life
I dont wanna waste my time
I dont wanna waste my life
And you stolen it away!
Poetry.... -
Those wrong illustrations
by DannyBloem inthe jw literature likes so much illustrations.
some are really wrong.
for example the following illustration:.
Not a visual illustration but one of Christ's famous ones. The guy who dies and is tormented in a fiery hell-like place. God or one of his minions puts a drop of water on his finger for him to suck (pervy bastard!) to save the guy, was he called Lazarus or something like that, I forget!!?
Well, how come that illustration was used if there is no heaven or hell? Isn't that a bit stupid of god to allow it to be written in his book of lies, er, sorry I mean the bible, if it was based on an intrisic lie?
More proof that god is a total knobber if you ask me... -
what was the deal with furbies?
by kittyeatzjdubs inone of matt's friends got me a furby over the weekend off of ebay.
i wanted one as soon as i remembered a jdub telling me that they were forbidden...i never knew why...does anyone know?
i played with it all day monday...i couldn't find any reason why the jdubs would ban them.... .
Furbies!! they're all demons!!! Quick, run to the hills, save yourselves!!!!
dubs are grim reapers
by andy2tanx ini read this on another site and thought it was interesting as well as on the nail when it came to how i felt as a kid.
grim reapers i've been doing some reading at, today, most recently terry walstrom's account "my life in jehovah's service.
this is a powerful and logically compelling account.
i read this on another site and thought it was interesting as well as on the nail when it came to how i felt as a kid. see what you think...
Grim Reapers I've been doing some reading at, today, most recently Terry Walstrom's account "My Life in Jehovah's Service."
This is a powerful and logically compelling account. However, I only got partway through it; I had to stop for a while, and plan to return to it later. I got as far as this:
Quote:At school you are quite apart from normal kids. But, normal is worldly and worldly is "marked for destruction." So, quite literally, everywhere you look you "see dead people.” Or, as John Wayne said in the Alamo, "They may be walking around; but, they're dead as a beaver hat!"
Quote:So, quite literally, everywhere you look you "see dead people.”
Put this way, these words take me back, and I feel, once again, if only for a moment, that sad, sick, alone sort of feeling.
That such should be vaunted a reason for exultation within the JW organization is really quite perverse, or more simply, it shows you just how sick these fuckers are. Hasn't it ever occurred to them, that even if one is assured of one's own walk around every day, assured that everyone around you, including loved ones not in the faith, are buzzard fodder for God's great feast at Armageddon...hasn't it occurred to them that such might be an unbearably painful experience for many people?
I can extract a lot of information about the god of the JWs out of that one sentence quoted above. First of all, there is no "Jehovah," of the sort the JWs worship, or if there is, he is shallow and cruel. Think: I am one of his poor, pitiful, flawed creations, but if I was given the choice between killing billions over matters like celebrating birthdays or going to restricted movies, I would not do the killing. I would let them be. In order to do the killing, I would have to be shallow, and petty, and hateful. But, how is it that I, the flawed creation, can have a sense of empathy and compassion that runs deeper than the Creator's?
What parent butchers his own child for being disobedient?
In JW dogma, Jehovah is pissed off because Adam and Eve screwed up and ate a piece of stinking fruit. That's pretty shallow right there, but we'll allow that it was just a sort of arbitrary test God set up for them. Anyway, Adam and Eve followed one possible alternative allowed by free will - they disobeyed him. They didn't even necessarily cease to love him, and they certainly didn't cease to fear him. No matter, God tore up the lease and threw them out, and put one of his winged stooges at the gates of Eden with a flaming sword so they couldn't ever go back. There's Jehovah with his "awful finalities" again. Maybe it comes from being without beginning and without end: a sort of novel fascination with irrevocable endings.
Now, millenia later, it's all coming to a head, according to the JWs. And the truly faithful, the truly indoctrinated, walk around with happy smiles on their faces, even though, everywhere they look, they see dead people. So they go door to door; they try to save a few lost souls. Where they don't find a hearing ear: more dead people.
What does it take to hold up under this, day after day, year after year? Is it purely a matter of brainwashing? Or does it help to be shallow, to be self-centered, to be stupid? Doesn't the process of going to door-to-door, being fundamentally a weeding process, make a JW party to divine genocide, since what they are doing is not really trying to save souls so much as they are trying to separate "sheep" from "goats?" When they leave the door and walk away after disturbing someone's breakfast and being told to fuck off, aren't they actually sending a report to Jehovah: kill these folks, o' Lord. They're goats.
In this sense, Jehovah's Witnesses are Grim Reapers, or at the very least, agents of the Grim Reaper. Like Silver Surfer, the Herald of Galactus, destroyer of worlds, in the comic book universe of the Fantastic Four.* They are mostly about eternal death, not eternal life.
Dean -
Life after Jehovahs Witnesses
by WILKO ini was brought up a jw untill i was seventeen, even got baptized.
when i was seventeen i got disfellowshipped.
tried for about three years of sitting in a hall of non stop ignorant people claming to be christian, is it christian to be ignorant or just rude?
Hey there fellow well met!! Another northerner. I'm near Leeds, so we're almost neighbours. good to have you posting...
What do you miss most about being in the truth ?
by prophecor inevery once in a while, i'll drive thru the blocks of our old territory, remebering the friends, how we would share time in the ministry.
reminiscing about those i left.
every so often, i'll pull out the old photographs.
Yes katie, you're dead right. (hangs head in shame)...
now watch what you say or will get a proper spanking next time I see you....
thats a promise, not a threat you dirty scuzz!!