'Hell is only reserved for those who reject god.' So, I don't believe in any sort of god. I have no proof it exists. I have never spoken to any sort of deity. And said deity has never bothered to speak to me. As a result, I can't think why I would want to acknowledge the existence of a god, let alone love it. By your previous statement, that means I am condemned to spend eternity in hell, right? In fact, to add insult to injury, you claim 'Really we are the ones that send ourselves to hell by rejecting gods grace.' Therefore, my future demise and descent into the depths of hell, to suffer eternal fiery torment, is all my fault!! Get real. You cannot possibly meant that. I mean, religion has resulted in some REALLY stupid things being said and done on this planet, but your statement that those in hell (which doesn't exist) have sent themselves there is total hogwash. And quite disturbing too. Surely, if there is a hell, it should be reserved for priests who interfere with children and the types who plant bombs on buses....
JoinedPosts by andy2tanx
Is Love of God Real?
by donkey insince we cannot prove that god exists and believers claim that we need to have faith that he does indeed exist one can ask: can you truly love someone that you do not know exists?
if you went to your friends and declared your absolute love for someone and when they asked you who you loved you said: "i love jennifer with all my heart.
" and if the friends then asked to meet jennifer and you said "i have believe she exists but i have never met her, never communicated with her, never seen her..." would you your friends think you were cuckoo?
Gays and the Bible.
by gumby infirst of all.....i ain't bashin gays here......just have a question.. this morning i read in the paper that the united church of christ has unanimously approved of same sex marriage.
this now is the largest protestant sect who has approved of gay marriages.. my question is.......how does religion justify a way of life the bible condems as sinful?
what is their scriptural argument to justify this action as proper?.
Ok ok ok, I understand... no I dont know the guy, sorry, I dont think kirkby is anywhere near me...
Gays and the Bible.
by gumby infirst of all.....i ain't bashin gays here......just have a question.. this morning i read in the paper that the united church of christ has unanimously approved of same sex marriage.
this now is the largest protestant sect who has approved of gay marriages.. my question is.......how does religion justify a way of life the bible condems as sinful?
what is their scriptural argument to justify this action as proper?.
i think most people here are missing the point. Here is the news. THE BIBLE IS TOTAL BOLLOCKS!!! don't take any notice of what it says. It's all lies and some goat herders take on life. Get out in the real world. Meet people. Climb mountains. Do anything but read that crock of shit....
by tijkmo indont mean to be morbid here.
but as a jw all of this was taken care of.
now i think if i were to die tomorrow i wouldnt want a jw funeral (although technically i could still qualify) and i wouldn't even want any of my former associates who abandoned me when i needed them most to be there... so what arrangements have you made.
this is something we have spoke about. I do a dangerous job, so it's always in my mind to a greater or lesser degree. I want my organs donating to whoever needs them.. One of the lads at work had a wife die young last year, and her organs saved teh lives of 5 people. What a legacy. Cremate the rest of me, I don't give a shite about that. Then I want £1000 sticking behind the bar so everyone can have a good old party for me, hopefully I'll be wandering around in some form of ephemeral guise watching my mates enjoying themselves!! And the music had better be REALLY loud, preferably The Stone Roses singing 'I Am The Resurrection.' I kid you not! It's one of my favourite songs. Check it out.
What did you do as a child (or adult) to survive boredom during meetings?
by Wasanelder Once inwhat did you do as a child (or adult) to survive boredom during meetings?.
as a child i remember sitting behind a sister with a pink angora sweater.
i would pull of a bit of the lint from it and tilt my head back and place it above my lips a bit.
As a kid I used to just look through the bible stories book, after puberty I used to make up ever wilder, erotic fantasies about some of the girls in the congregation, and then I got into designing golf courses in the margins of the books and magazines. I would also wait with baited breath for the sister who was always on the point of hyperventilating to blow her top. You remember her Katie, thick jam jar specs, hairiest husband in the world and several crazy kids, especially one who was a serious trekkie. Mind numbingly boring...
I think its sad
by Alexander ini wouldn't be here wasn't it for a link on google on the moscow ban that led me here.
i am shocked by the hatred many of you display in your posts.
some claim that we break up marriages, yet some of the happiest couples i know are faithfull brothers and sisters.
Actually, as has been said, the saddest thing is that he has come on here, had his say, attempted to insult all of us here and then fucked off back to his own shitty little owrld of lies, paedophilia and foolishness. Webmaster, Administrators or whoever looks after this site. can you just delete this utter portion of wasted website? Few posts on this and other sites are so utterly without point, clarity or foreward thinking...
quick builds
by loosie inok was lying awake last night @ 3am wondering: when jw's build a hall in a weekend how do they get an inspectors approval so quickly?
( i know i need a life).
i mean various portions need to be inspected before the next step can be built, right?
we had to donate jewllerey if we couldnt give all our cash due to having important things to buy like bread and water...
me and the deemunz
by katiekitten ini was lucky to have been brought up in the troof, because if i hadnt, i wouldnt have known about the demons and how they are always looking for opportunities to lead us astray by appearing as ghosties, or by making household objects float, or by getting into our house through items bought from car boot sales.. my first memories of the deemunz was quite early, say aged 5 or 6. i used to think they were at the end of the bed, and so i had to sleep with my legs curled up as tightly as possible, so they wouldnt get my toes.
i cant even begin to think what terrible things they were going to do with my piggies, but sure as the apostles i wasnt going to give them a chance.. aged 7 or 8 i knew the deemunz were after me, because i was special.
i was a jehobas witness.
Acadian. you're right. Katie is a top person with a wicked sense of humour. She's so cool she even came out on my stag night!!
quick builds
by loosie inok was lying awake last night @ 3am wondering: when jw's build a hall in a weekend how do they get an inspectors approval so quickly?
( i know i need a life).
i mean various portions need to be inspected before the next step can be built, right?
i used to be on the quick build team, and all I got for my bother was a load of really expensive tools getting borrowed... permanently!!
me and the deemunz
by katiekitten ini was lucky to have been brought up in the troof, because if i hadnt, i wouldnt have known about the demons and how they are always looking for opportunities to lead us astray by appearing as ghosties, or by making household objects float, or by getting into our house through items bought from car boot sales.. my first memories of the deemunz was quite early, say aged 5 or 6. i used to think they were at the end of the bed, and so i had to sleep with my legs curled up as tightly as possible, so they wouldnt get my toes.
i cant even begin to think what terrible things they were going to do with my piggies, but sure as the apostles i wasnt going to give them a chance.. aged 7 or 8 i knew the deemunz were after me, because i was special.
i was a jehobas witness.
Katie, my dear sweet long lost friend, top bird and drinking buddy..... no I don't remember that cottage, I am considerably younger than you!! I remember the house at the bottom of that steep hill in Batley with the downstairs kitchen. Do you remember how I WAS GONNA BUY YOU THE WHOLE BACK CATALOGUE OF THE hOODOO gURUS FOR YOUR WEDDING PRESENT, AND YOU SAID THAT REALLY WASN'T A Practical gift!! (Fookin caps lock!!) Hell, at least you got out of West Yorkshire, I'm still here.... (glum) I got the chance to go to switzerland and like a **** I turned it down. What a knobber!! As for the deemunz, Jeez I was shite scared of them. I still watch dodgy films with a tiny amount of unease. In fact, never got around to watching the Exorcist or Poltergeist. How much of a little boy still am I?!! Calling out his name! My arse!