Furbies!! they're all demons!!! Quick, run to the hills, save yourselves!!!!
JoinedPosts by andy2tanx
what was the deal with furbies?
by kittyeatzjdubs inone of matt's friends got me a furby over the weekend off of ebay.
i wanted one as soon as i remembered a jdub telling me that they were forbidden...i never knew why...does anyone know?
i played with it all day monday...i couldn't find any reason why the jdubs would ban them.... .
dubs are grim reapers
by andy2tanx ini read this on another site and thought it was interesting as well as on the nail when it came to how i felt as a kid.
grim reapers i've been doing some reading at freeminds.org, today, most recently terry walstrom's account "my life in jehovah's service.
this is a powerful and logically compelling account.
i read this on another site and thought it was interesting as well as on the nail when it came to how i felt as a kid. see what you think...
Grim Reapers I've been doing some reading at freeminds.org, today, most recently Terry Walstrom's account "My Life in Jehovah's Service."
This is a powerful and logically compelling account. However, I only got partway through it; I had to stop for a while, and plan to return to it later. I got as far as this:
Quote:At school you are quite apart from normal kids. But, normal is worldly and worldly is "marked for destruction." So, quite literally, everywhere you look you "see dead people.” Or, as John Wayne said in the Alamo, "They may be walking around; but, they're dead as a beaver hat!"
Quote:So, quite literally, everywhere you look you "see dead people.”
Put this way, these words take me back, and I feel, once again, if only for a moment, that sad, sick, alone sort of feeling.
That such should be vaunted a reason for exultation within the JW organization is really quite perverse, or more simply, it shows you just how sick these fuckers are. Hasn't it ever occurred to them, that even if one is assured of one's own salvation...to walk around every day, assured that everyone around you, including loved ones not in the faith, are buzzard fodder for God's great feast at Armageddon...hasn't it occurred to them that such might be an unbearably painful experience for many people?
I can extract a lot of information about the god of the JWs out of that one sentence quoted above. First of all, there is no "Jehovah," of the sort the JWs worship, or if there is, he is shallow and cruel. Think: I am one of his poor, pitiful, flawed creations, but if I was given the choice between killing billions over matters like celebrating birthdays or going to restricted movies, I would not do the killing. I would let them be. In order to do the killing, I would have to be shallow, and petty, and hateful. But, how is it that I, the flawed creation, can have a sense of empathy and compassion that runs deeper than the Creator's?
What parent butchers his own child for being disobedient?
In JW dogma, Jehovah is pissed off because Adam and Eve screwed up and ate a piece of stinking fruit. That's pretty shallow right there, but we'll allow that it was just a sort of arbitrary test God set up for them. Anyway, Adam and Eve followed one possible alternative allowed by free will - they disobeyed him. They didn't even necessarily cease to love him, and they certainly didn't cease to fear him. No matter, God tore up the lease and threw them out, and put one of his winged stooges at the gates of Eden with a flaming sword so they couldn't ever go back. There's Jehovah with his "awful finalities" again. Maybe it comes from being without beginning and without end: a sort of novel fascination with irrevocable endings.
Now, millenia later, it's all coming to a head, according to the JWs. And the truly faithful, the truly indoctrinated, walk around with happy smiles on their faces, even though, everywhere they look, they see dead people. So they go door to door; they try to save a few lost souls. Where they don't find a hearing ear: more dead people.
What does it take to hold up under this, day after day, year after year? Is it purely a matter of brainwashing? Or does it help to be shallow, to be self-centered, to be stupid? Doesn't the process of going to door-to-door, being fundamentally a weeding process, make a JW party to divine genocide, since what they are doing is not really trying to save souls so much as they are trying to separate "sheep" from "goats?" When they leave the door and walk away after disturbing someone's breakfast and being told to fuck off, aren't they actually sending a report to Jehovah: kill these folks, o' Lord. They're goats.
In this sense, Jehovah's Witnesses are Grim Reapers, or at the very least, agents of the Grim Reaper. Like Silver Surfer, the Herald of Galactus, destroyer of worlds, in the comic book universe of the Fantastic Four.* They are mostly about eternal death, not eternal life.
Dean -
Life after Jehovahs Witnesses
by WILKO ini was brought up a jw untill i was seventeen, even got baptized.
when i was seventeen i got disfellowshipped.
tried for about three years of sitting in a hall of non stop ignorant people claming to be christian, is it christian to be ignorant or just rude?
Hey there fellow well met!! Another northerner. I'm near Leeds, so we're almost neighbours. good to have you posting...
What do you miss most about being in the truth ?
by prophecor inevery once in a while, i'll drive thru the blocks of our old territory, remebering the friends, how we would share time in the ministry.
reminiscing about those i left.
every so often, i'll pull out the old photographs.
Yes katie, you're dead right. (hangs head in shame)...
now watch what you say or will get a proper spanking next time I see you....
thats a promise, not a threat you dirty scuzz!! -
Great Experiences- I was serfing the net ad came across APOSTATES
by You People Are All Idiots inwow, yeah i was looking fr the theocratic ministry school oral review questions and i came across an apostate site!
the site was www.jehovahs-witness.com and was just fill of retarded apostates!
they were not only using a domain name and header name that denotes a conection with the actual watchtower society, but where using it to blasphem the jehovah's true organization in order to help people break away.
...well I just wanna go outside after reading that and kick *** out of some dubs. Nice one laddie!1
What do you miss most about being in the truth ?
by prophecor inevery once in a while, i'll drive thru the blocks of our old territory, remebering the friends, how we would share time in the ministry.
reminiscing about those i left.
every so often, i'll pull out the old photographs.
ummmm, nothing, nothing at all.....
im stuck on guitar
by tsunami_rid3r inim trying to learn stairway to heaven but its too hard, what should i do?
try this tablature version, and stick at it. work on the barre chord on the 5th fret for the intro, get that and the rest is easier....
andy -
Tribute to London Emergency Services
by diamondblue1974 in.
i have watched with sheer amazement all day the work of the emergency services; their sheer dedication and professionalism and skill will no doubt prevent & reduce the further prospect of fatalities....i think they deserve a huge round of applause...if ever i have had opportunity to be patriotic it is now.... what do you think?.
...as a firefighter I feel truly glad that you people feel this way. So how does it make you feel when I tell you that members of the fire service in the UK go to terrorist incidents and the government still have not addressed the issue of insurance for us. If a firefighter gets killed or whilst attending a terrorist threat then his life insurance is at the moment invalid. that would leave families with mortgages to pay, loans to deal with etc. And yet we still go.... If you feel strongly enough about the way the emergency services react to incidents, I would implore each one of you to write to your MP, getting the government to address the slow destruction of the fire service under the guise of modernisation. If you need more info then go to www.fbu.org.uk where you will find many of the issues surrounding the fire service and what the government is doing to us. you will also be able to contact your MP through this site. Thanks and sorry for getting political on your asses!!
Is Love of God Real?
by donkey insince we cannot prove that god exists and believers claim that we need to have faith that he does indeed exist one can ask: can you truly love someone that you do not know exists?
if you went to your friends and declared your absolute love for someone and when they asked you who you loved you said: "i love jennifer with all my heart.
" and if the friends then asked to meet jennifer and you said "i have believe she exists but i have never met her, never communicated with her, never seen her..." would you your friends think you were cuckoo?
Evan, I find your posts interesting, we're not against you at all. Don't be thinking that or I'll have to give you a spanking!! However, I think what I find with you posts (and remember this is only my thoughts, not intended to hurt) is that you talk in platitudes. You say things but those statements are without substance. You post religious ideas and yet the problem with that is that there are many people here who dont have your faith. That is why we find it hard to accept the love or even existence of a god. It's not a dig at you though. remember that....
Is Love of God Real?
by donkey insince we cannot prove that god exists and believers claim that we need to have faith that he does indeed exist one can ask: can you truly love someone that you do not know exists?
if you went to your friends and declared your absolute love for someone and when they asked you who you loved you said: "i love jennifer with all my heart.
" and if the friends then asked to meet jennifer and you said "i have believe she exists but i have never met her, never communicated with her, never seen her..." would you your friends think you were cuckoo?
'Are you sure about that? God is trying to talk to you but will you listen?'
How? By writing a book full of fairy stories? By sending people to earth witl a load of irrelevant ramblings? How exactly is god trying ot speak to us? I thought it was all powerful. Has it not heard of the phone, the TV, the internet, e-mail, snail-mail? Where is this marvellous speech coming from god? The Bible. Don't make me laugh. Why would an all popwerful ominpresent being use an old fashioned mode of communication that is sure to be bastardized by every one that reads it? WHY?
'God really loves you all, whether you believe in him or not, it will not change the facts.' So god loves us. Thats why we're constantly threatened with not serving him and the result being dying at armageddon, going to hell, getting reincarnated as a work, whatever, take your pick. Jesus, thats REAL love aint it.
'Know that he is there to ease your brokenheart from the damage the Jehovah's witness did to you,' you really believe that don't you? How can god ease a broken heart? The JW's didnt break my heart, the religions/liars of the world tried to, but I came through all that shite believing in the simplicity that we are just here for our time and thats it. Simple enough for ya?
And using the parable of the lost sheep? Are you saying that to god we have the same brain capacity as a sheep? The same amount of free will? Sheep have no free will, they feed when fed, bathe whaen bathed etc. We are far superior to sheep. If a god gave us free will and then punishes us for using it, then god is a total arsehole. Why create something you know will not do what you want it to do and then get pissed when that happens? You wouldn't. and thats why I dont believe in god.