Carol, I don't show up for the field service meeting, I have'nt been to one in at least a year. The sister would actually be picking me up at my home at six in the morning. I really would not feel right making her get up and drive to my place and then not go out. By the way I'm surprised that my elders have not said a thing about me going out in service since I'm not at meetings on a regular basis, but then again they have never shown any concern about me before, why start now ?
Posts by lola28
I need advice, please help.
by lola28 ini went to meeting last night (don't ask) and someone asked me to go out in service.
i was taken by surprise and actually agreed to do street work on saturday.
the sister that i'm supposed to work with has always been very kind to me and i know that there is no one else in our hall that will go out with her on saturday morning.
I need advice, please help.
by lola28 ini went to meeting last night (don't ask) and someone asked me to go out in service.
i was taken by surprise and actually agreed to do street work on saturday.
the sister that i'm supposed to work with has always been very kind to me and i know that there is no one else in our hall that will go out with her on saturday morning.
Pink eye? Thats an option.
I need advice, please help.
by lola28 ini went to meeting last night (don't ask) and someone asked me to go out in service.
i was taken by surprise and actually agreed to do street work on saturday.
the sister that i'm supposed to work with has always been very kind to me and i know that there is no one else in our hall that will go out with her on saturday morning.
Thank you guys for your help, Undercover I am baptized so that makes it harder, I'm not ready to be DF'ed but I also don't want to go out in service and lie to people. It is one thing to go to the meetings. I just sit in the back room and "take notes" I don't participate or comment. But it is quite another thing to actually go out and talk to people about something that I know is a lie.
I have cancelled on people before, this month I have missed street work several times. I have either over slept or "gotten sick" at the last minute. I work a lot so I manage to use that as my excuse for missing door to door work and most of the meetings. My fear is that if I continue to do this someone will mention to the elders that I have a pattern of missing my service arrangments.
I really don't want to get a lecture from the elders about letting my "no mean no and my yes mean yes" because I know that if they take me into the back room I will tell them exactly what I think about the society and will end up getting DF'ed. I only go to meetings about once a month, but it is getting harder for me to sit there and not say what I'm really thinking. Yesterday during the school my heart began to beat really fast and I actually had to get up and go outside for a few minutes.
It is only a matter of time before I leave the org. for good but I want to do it when I feel ready to and I just don't want to draw any attention to myself until I'm ready to leave for good.
Thank you again for your help.
I need advice, please help.
by lola28 ini went to meeting last night (don't ask) and someone asked me to go out in service.
i was taken by surprise and actually agreed to do street work on saturday.
the sister that i'm supposed to work with has always been very kind to me and i know that there is no one else in our hall that will go out with her on saturday morning.
I went to meeting last night (don't ask) and someone asked me to go out in service. I was taken by surprise and actually agreed to do street work on Saturday. The sister that I'm supposed to work with has always been very kind to me and I know that there is no one else in our hall that will go out with her on Saturday morning.
I don't want to be rude to this sister but I can't bring myself to go out and preach something that I don't believe in. The last few times that I've been asked out in service I have managed to get out of it and on those occasions when I could not get out of it I always happened to "over sleep".
So how do I get out of going in service with this sister with out hurting her feelings ? I also don't wan't to draw any attention from the elders, this would be at least the fouth time that I cancel on someone for service. Any one have any suggestions ?
The Return of Ozzie's Weekend Polls - # 139
by ozziepost ina note from the publishers:
when her majesty some years back spoke of her "annus horribilis" she was not alone!
) of us have years like that!
Three and seven. By the way does anyone kmow where i could get a copy of the Dateline epi.?
Oh God not again...
by lola28 ini woke up this morning and saw the news, more terrorist attacks this time in london.
so far 33 have been declared dead with as many as three hundred injured.
please keep all of the victims in your prayers today and lets all hope that nothing else happens.. .
I woke up this morning and saw the news, more terrorist attacks this time in London. So far 33 have been declared dead with as many as three hundred injured. Please keep all of the victims in your prayers today and lets all hope that nothing else happens.
Lola (of the I can't belive this happened again.)
Help, need magazines or bound vols 2002-2004 and recent books
by Dogpatch inhi folks,.
i am helping someone in prison with a project and need all the watchtower and awake!
magazines from 2002 to 2004, and 2005 if you have any.
Hi Randy,
Let me know what you need. I have all of the 2005 mags, and also have the bound volumes along with magazines from 2002 and on that I have no use for. Also If you need any books I'm sure I have more than enough copies to go around.If you need a book that I don't have I can always get a copy for you at the literature counter.
How do you feel, relieved or sad?
by jula71 inive been doing a bunch of reflecting and pondering> im just seeing if anyone else has been feeling this and/or if its common.
relieved that i have a new found freedom, free to pursue goals and dreams i never could as a dub.
free from the guilt, always feeling god is watching waiting from me to screw up so he can erase my name from the book of life.
Both. Relieved because I found out the truth before it was too late, no one that I care about ever became witnesses so I can move on and I don't have to be afraid of lossing my family. Sad because everything that I believed in turned out to be a lie.I feel sad that I was in an organization that hurt so many people and that I at one point also believed that shunning people was okay.
Lola (of the I can't believe I fell for it class)
New here.....kinda
by lola28 inhey everyone, this is my first post and i'am terrefied.
i have been lurking for over a year and finally decided that it was time to post.
i feel like i know all of you and feel more at home here than at the kingdom hall.
Hi everyone, thank you so much for the warm welcome.Sorry it took so long for me to respond but I finally had some free time. I'm sure we all remember the Dateline special, well I decided to watch it, once it eneded I was somewhat unsetteled but not enough to stop going to meetings, I honsetly thought that that this was an isolated case. However then I read that DA letter, and came to this board and after reading so many of the experinces here I couldn't pretend like I everything was okay with the Society because clearly something was wrong.
After staying on the board and really thinking about things I could not bring myself to believe that this is the truth. I have two younger sisters and someone in the hall was studying with them, well one day it hit me, I did not want my sisters to be witnesses!
I realized that if they ever became witnesses and did "something wrong" I would be expected to shun them and there is no way that I could ever do that. As much as I loved Jehovah, I love my sisters much more that is when I really knew I couldn't go on as a witness.
You know I was never okay with the two witness rule, I could not believe that they would really believe that a child molestor would do something to a child in front of two or more people and the fact that you couldn't report what had happened to the police was incredebly disturbing. I would have had so much more respect for the Society if they had admitted that this was a problem and then took action. But they are more concernd with the way they look than with helping those that have been hurt. All of these things led me to stay away.
Richie, everyone here has helped. Hearing about those of you who have been unable to go to the weddings and funerals of loved ones because you are DFed has helped reinforse what an unloving org. this is. It hurts to know that so many of you are hurting because of the society and that there is nothing I or anyone else can do to help. All I can do is stay away from meetings and service and not help in anyone else come into what I now know is a cult.
Thank you all for hearing me out.
New here.....kinda
by lola28 inhey everyone, this is my first post and i'am terrefied.
i have been lurking for over a year and finally decided that it was time to post.
i feel like i know all of you and feel more at home here than at the kingdom hall.
Hey everyone, this is my first post and I'am terrefied. I have been lurking for over a year and finally decided that it was time to post. I feel like I know all of you and feel more at home here than at the Kingdom Hall. Here is a little background info. I began to study when I was 14years old and got babtized at 18. As soon as I was baptized I began to and six months later I became a regular pioneer. I was always at all the meetings, was the first one the elders called when they needed some one to do a last minute talk and was always out in service. A year ago in May I was looking for a website to buy service supplies and accidentally stumbled on a disassociation letter someone had written and then I found this board. Since then I have never been the same. The things some of you have gone through break my heart and I have found it difficult to return to the hall. I began to miss meetings alot and no one ever bothered to check up and see if everything was okay with me. I could have been dead and no one in the hall would have known. I stopped going in service went of the pioneer list and yet there was never so much as one sheperding call. I always thought that the elders would be there when I needed them but I was wrong.
I apologize, I did not mean for this to be so long.
I hope to really get to know all of you, as many of you helped influence my decision to withdraw from the the congregation. All of you have taught me something about the "truth" and I will be forever greatful.