Sparky, the thing is that the damage has already been done, I don’t know what your situation was like growing up but take it from me, having a father that’s not there is really hurtful, I hate this notion of “baby daddy” kids deserve so much more than that, they deserve a father. When you don’t have that it changes you and sometimes you don’t realize how much it has until you are older. See deep down you always wonder what it was about you that was so bad that your own father didn’t want to be around you, I’ve seen girls deal with this in two ways, either they do very self destructive things and always chose the wrong men, or they are just straight arrows, I’m more of a straight arrow, I don’t think I’m a bad person and people seem to like me but sometimes, especially on days like father day I really just break down. Don’t expect your daughter to warm up to her sperm donor, she doesn’t owe him anything, it’s his job to make it right and he might never be able to fix the damage 100%.