Welcome aboard Legolas.
I'm still new myself, so I'm not sure if the UN ghas been in the news or not.
Is anyone working on it?
hi, i am new to this site as of july.
i just disassociated myself last month (history of why and the elders visit i think is on my profile) anyway did anyone evere try to get the un scandal in the news somehow here in canada or in the us?
thanks yvonne
Welcome aboard Legolas.
I'm still new myself, so I'm not sure if the UN ghas been in the news or not.
Is anyone working on it?
what were you all disfellowshipped for?
perhaps a frequent topic overall but i never happened to notice it.
If I hadn't been disfellowshipped that first time, I'm very doubtfull that I would have ever questioned the teachings of the society and I'd probably be a good ministerial servant or elder somewhere. So, really in hindsight, I'm pretty glad that they did get the ball rolling by showing me how unforgiving they really are.
Descender, I couldn't agree with you more.
what were you all disfellowshipped for?
perhaps a frequent topic overall but i never happened to notice it.
The only reasons that one is disfellowshipped is for one not having a Christian attitude or heart. It is not for or from a particular sin. But it is from one's reaction to that sin such as non-repentance. |
That is Bullsh*t.I yes, I speak from personal experience, I wanted to come back to the JW's, I begged and pleaded with them not to D/F me ,I had made my peace with God and was truly repentent for my actions. I was d/f for how it would look to the cong.
Happy Birthday to you
ip_sec did this once, but with all the newbs, i think it merits being done again.. so, how many of you are still active, meeting attending witnesses?
priviledges count for bonus points.. priviledge list:.
cleaning toilets: 2 points.
A big fat 0.
Do you get -30 points for belonging to JWD?
i can't believe it!
my beautiful daughter has just called and has told me she is 6 weeks pregnant.. my first grandchild.
i can't wait to be the doting grandad,now that all of us in the family are now free of the wts and it's code of behaviour for our kids.. yahoo!
what were you all disfellowshipped for?
perhaps a frequent topic overall but i never happened to notice it.
It's interesting that they talk from the KH about D/f being a last resort and that if someone is truly repentent then "mercy will be shown" but when you get to the JC their minds are already made up. I think that most JW's are shocked when get kicked out for petty reasoning.
Loose conduct my a##!!!!! More like 'we can't control you, so leave before others find out they can do the same'
what were you all disfellowshipped for?
perhaps a frequent topic overall but i never happened to notice it.
I'm not sure exactly I had been living with my worldy b/f, we were getting married in 2 weeks time when I met with the JC. They wanted me to confess to the following
1- getting pregnant and then "hiding" it by having an abortion. False, never been pregnant=no abortion
2-doing drugs(apparently lots&lots) and drinking to excess. False=had never been drunk or tried drugs of any kind at that point( until I was kicked out )
3-"Helping" other girls in my old KH "leave the truth" False= If I had known that they were leaving, then hell ya I would have helped them out.!!! It's kind of hard to do when at the time I was so clinically depressed that I couldn't even get out of bed and should have been hospitalized.
So after I refused to admit to any of these lies, which they kept on claiming had to be true because "we have heard these statments from more then one source", they sent me upstairs in the KH so that they could discuss without me. I don't think that they knew that I could hear every word that they were saying. The offical verdict that they reached downstairs was that I was "un-repentent" for my refusal to admit to what they believed to be true about me. Once they called me back downstairs the reason that they gave me was because I hadn't been attending meetings for a peroid of time and if they didn't D/F me then it wouldn't look right to other young people in the cong. and that it could stumble them. Offical verdict? I qoute " We need to make you an example for other young people in the Kingdom Hall"
So I got D/F because lies and rumors where flying around about me and I refused to say that I was a alcholic, crack addict, knocked up fetus killer that turned apostate by enticing young girls to "turn their backs on God".
But God filled their minds with holy spirit in order to enable them to see into my heart and what my true colors were.
Damselfly who has too much self respect to give her life over to someone else to control.
after reading and responding recently to a post about eating pork and clean and unclean meats, and also a few about newfound freedoms and pleasures that some enjoy now that they are out of the jws, i got to wondering if there is anything like that on the flip side of the coin.
in other words, despite you leaving the wts, is there anything you still believe that they taught, even though you left or were forced out, and no longer believe the rest of the jw doctrine?.
i was never a jw, but i was raised in a rather similar group called the worldwide church of god, many of the controls, strictures, and abuses that i saw as a child there, i see posted about here-though they are different, they are also the same.
For years after I left I refused to celebrate anything and found myself in the grocery store reading meat packages to make sure that their was no blood. Even though I didn't want to be a JW I couldn't shake the feeling that they were the true religion. But the more time that goes on the easier it is to shake all of that off. I celebrate christmas, enjoy my b'day cake etc. I still have yet to vote in anything, am not even sure how to go about it, but hoping to exercise that freedom soon as well.
my history,.
47 years doing the jw thing from the age of 3.. many good times and many times i thought i was worthless especially as a teenager.
couldn't be good enough to please some elders.
Welcome! I hope you stick around and share, everyone here is really great.