Wait a day or two, tweak it a little and send it! Just be prepared for no communaction from the parents and multiple visits from the elders! Hang in there and visit the boards often......I'm new also and I gotta tell you this crowd is fantastic with their help, humor and support! Kinda like what the "truth" shoulda been!
Posts by Carol
by puppet inthank you for letting me post this un-sent letter to my father.
i am writing this to voice my opinion; this is not open for discussion.
i find if upsetting that you feel its appropriate to invite my husband into your home and demean the religion he was brought up in, not only have you done that in your home but youve also done it in his home.
Back from the DC
by jula71 infirst they should have changed "godly obedience" to "society obedience".
i have never heard obey the gb pushed so hard in all my years as i dub.
it was amazing.
Yes Zulukai I was one of those "Bright Eyed Kids", let it be said now to all those that listened to me in New Jersey and New York....I HUMBLY APOLOGIZE! I was an obedient child and did what I was told, until I rebelled at 21 years of age (yes back then you were under your parents domination until you were 21).
Looking for Joel Stanley
by Carol indesperately seeking joel.
knew him at the jersey shore!
atlantic city/ventnor/somer point areas back in the late 60's early 70's.
Our Friend, Outnfree, Needs Our Help!
by Robdar inas most of you are aware, our friend, brenda, aka outnfree, has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is undergoing chemo.
i asked her if she would mind if we did a weekly prayer vigil and she said that she would appreciate it.
she thinks that thursdays would be good since that is when she goes to the doctor to receive the chemo.
Brenda and Robdar, prayers are with you both from this Newbie. My Mother is a survivor of 8+ years and I'm waiting for my biopsy results. I'll add you to my daily prayers and an extra one on Thursday.
Paying for the pioneer
by Thegoodgirl inhi guys, let me get your opinion on this:.
my mom's a pioneer, so she scrapes by on little money, refuses to work overtime, and tries to even survive on part time entry level work.
she can survive, but when it comes to getting appliances fixed, going on vacation, buying new clothes, she has to rely on others gifts and donations to her.. i want her to come visit me, and i need to pay for her ticket.
You could also put it to your husband this way...."she doesn't celebrate (pick one - Christmas, Birthdays, Mother's Day), so we save $$ there, it would be a nice gift for me to see her for a couple of days!" Are you enabling her....probably. But isn't the real issue you want to see your Mother?
Failing your husbands cooperation on buying her ticket, then go see her, let him take care of things at home while your gone!
I want to let you know....
by RichieRich inat least 2 or three times a week, i get a pm from someone that sounds similar to this:hello richie, .
i just read your recnt post from the assembly.
appears you've no concern about being located?
My dear young man, if you get df'd and shunned by your Mother, than come on down to Florida and go to college! I've raised a son (now 30) and have a daughter at home (17+) and always room for one more (3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1680 sq ft for two people) AND my address is on a do not call note in the territory card!
I just wish I had had the courage to question when I was your age! I wouldn't have wasted all those years of my life!
Venus and Serena Williams Get Their Own Reality Show
by Dogpatch invenus and serena williams get their own reality show .
in a press release, serena said "the series will provide our fans with an up-close, inside look at our lives away from the tennis courts.
" hmmm.
I feel your pain. I don't know where you grew up, but in the late 50's early 60's, we were allowed to stand at attention, however my younger brother and I both were hit in the back of the head (by the teacher) with whatever book she had in her hand...and then she'd say something on the line of "oh, I forgot, you don't respect the flag that many people died to defend......"
Netty, Luna2 and everyone else,
Having had a brother in Bethel (yes the same one mentioned above), be assured.......as long as the Williams family can contribute generously (through their Mother most likely), nothing will be said to the girls. Michael Jackson finally sent a letter of withdrawal to the GB they only gave talks from the platform saying his actions at the time were in poor taste, they never df'd him and Prince (yeh kids I know, he changed his name to a sign, but he's going by Prince again) is allowed to record and hang with hollywood, as long as he contributes generously. The GB will take their gold any way they can get it. It has been that way for many, many, many years!
There was a brother in South Jersey a number of years ago that was df'd for gambling......then he won several Million dollars.......his JW family members had no problem with him paying off their debts and the congo had no problem reinstating him, amazingly just before they build a new KH???
My brother served at Bethel and knew Brother Knorr and the Franz's quite well...he went to NYC a true believer in the "truth" and came home tired and disillusioned, our Mother's best friend was married to one of the GB, so we had firsthand knowledge of the attitudes.....and saw how those with assets to be contributed to the WTBTS were cultivated and allowed latitude in their practicing of the "truth"
The Star Spangled Banner
by rebel8 inoh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,.
what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?.
whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight;.
I enjoyed your beginning of this topic. I grew up in the generation wherein we read a verse from the Bible (King James), sang America The Beautiful (to the tune of God Save the Queen/King) and Saluted the Flag, every morning in school. I was allowed to participate in the Bible reading, and stood at attention during the singing and salute. I was called every name in the book, spat upon, pushed in the mud and hated recess (outside play) because I was ganged up on on the playground. Plus, I was a girl and "ladies" don't fight....!
I am proud that I am an American, I'm sometimes not too proud of what some Americans do or say! I'm sure our friends from Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium and every other country on this earth are proud to be citizens of their country or "Citizens of the World". I vote, because I don't feel you have a right to complain if you don't at least participate and I pay my taxes without looking for every loophole in the IRS guide.
I travel and make it a point to at least be able to ask for the loo (ladies room, sorry I have alot of friends from England, Ireland and New Zealand), directions and say please and thank you in the language of the country I visit.
I realize that Independance day (July 4th) is a holiday celebrated by the "Colonies", but as I sit here preparing to go down to the local Community College to watch the fireworks and eat tube steaks of mystery meat (hot dogs) I'll say hello to all of the Canadian, English, Cuban, etc., etc. visitors and immigrants that are always there. And, on the appropriate date, I will drink Champagne on Bastile day......and during my trip to England next spring, I'll lift a pint or two in honor of the appropriate English holiday at that time.
The world may not like America, but it seems they always come running when they need something.......and we have Cubans and Mexicans dieing to come to our Country and I see a lot of Canadian "Maple Leaf" flags flying tall and proud over American soil every winter when the "snow-birds" come to Florida for the warmth and great exchange rates!
I too feel that some of our friends north of the border and across the pond kinda like to pick on us just a little, but that's okay......I survived being in the "truth".
Back from the DC
by jula71 infirst they should have changed "godly obedience" to "society obedience".
i have never heard obey the gb pushed so hard in all my years as i dub.
it was amazing.
A story......1969 a 17 year old girl, offered two full scholarships, one in nursing one to become a teacher....little 17 year old is very obedient......she chooses pioneering.....gets a job with an opthamologist (eye surgeon) 3 1/2 days a week and pioneers the other 3 1/2....after 2 years, she thinks maybe she'd like to go to school...one elder tells her go for it, be true to herself a good publisher is better than a reluctant pioneer......everyone else says no...she doesn't go, the surgeon move to California, wants to take the then 19 year old with him as well as several other of his staff! Alas, the 19 year old stays and continues to pioneer, cleaning houses to make a living.......pioneers in NYC, meets lots of "Bethelites", comes home, meets a non-believer and marries him at 21........! 33 years later, divorced, very few friends (it's hard to be a friend when you never were allowed to make them out of the "truth") with an Associates degree (went back to school at 47), she's wised up.....encourages every kid she knows to go to college....and oh yeh! She doesn't go to meetings and won't touch cool aid!
Thanks for the updates on the assemblies, the ammo helps when my 73 year old mom calls to preach and try to bring me back!
How do you feel, relieved or sad?
by jula71 inive been doing a bunch of reflecting and pondering> im just seeing if anyone else has been feeling this and/or if its common.
relieved that i have a new found freedom, free to pursue goals and dreams i never could as a dub.
free from the guilt, always feeling god is watching waiting from me to screw up so he can erase my name from the book of life.
I moved 1100 miles from the area I had been born in, grown up in (38+ years) and where I knew everyone..to an area where I only had myself and my two children (aged 14 years and 15 months)....didn't bother with the KH until the witnesses found me (go figure the first JW's at my door were a couple I had grown up with, they had married at 17 and were pioneering here). I tried the occassional meeting route, but I wouldn't give demos or go in field service (I had pioneered for 5 years and they knew it)...all of which was faithfully reported to my mother and sister in my old congo. I finally decided that I received more help and true friendship from the "wordly" people I met and became friends with, so I haven't attended anything but the Memorial since 1991 and I stoppeed attending the Memorial in 2001 because and elder walked up to me, in front of my daughter 13 year old daughter and a group of sisters and said "Do you really think your once a year sacrifice to Jehovah is acceptable to him, what do you even bother?" with that I picked up my NWTHS and Song Book, took my daughter by the hand and walked out, to the distress of a number of sisters and brothers in hearing range.....I have not walked into a KH again and have requested a "do not call at this address" slip be put in the territory map covering my neighborhood. Yes, you can do that, then you don't have to be bothered if you don't want to.
The God I grew up believing inis a loving God and judges what's in you heart, not the showey display and outward appearance and as I don't believe I'm going to Heaven or Hell, when I'm dead, I'm dead and won't know what's going on unless I am resurrected into Paradise, or who knows Heaven! This site has helped me more in the last few weeks that anything I've done in the last 43 years.