***g73 6/8 p.15 Blood Transfusions - a Biological "Sin"***
Since the blood cells are normally destroyed in sixty days and the liquid content turnover is even more rapid, a blood transfusion is a temporary or a transient transplant of a liquid organ. Indeed, this is undoubtedly the reason for its general acceptance at a time when organ transplantation is considered experimental.
***g74 3/22 p.21 My Life as a Surgeon***
Blood transfusion is now recognized as a dangerous procedure-as hazardous as any other organ transplant.
***bq p.41 Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question of Blood***
Consequently, whether having religious objections to blood transfusions or not, many a person might decline blood simply because it is essentially an organ transplant that at best is only partially compatible with his own blood.
***hb p.8 Blood Transfusions - How Safe?***
a transfusion is a tissue transplant.
***g90 10/22 p.9 Gift of Life or Kiss of Death?***
As cardiovascular surgeon Denton Cooley notes: "A blood transfusion is an organ transplant. . . . I think that there are certain incompatibilities in almost all blood transfusions."
***g99 8/22 p.31 Are Blood Transfusions Really Necessary?***
Blood is an organ of the body, and blood transfusion is nothing less than an organ transplant.
Perhaps this was intended to introduce a change in the Blood policy?
***g00 1/8 Pioneers in Medicine***
Jehovah's Witnesses view organ transplant operations as a matter of individual conscience.