About 20 yrs ago our book study group met at the Hall. I liked meeting
there instead of a home. I had been in some home meetings some good
some brutal. We had in the high 40’s assigned there but the actual atten-
dance was less than half of that. I think some people asked to be in the
group so that if they missed maybe no one would notice since there was
usually 18-20 that could answer the questions. The conductor stated one
time “you know why so many aren’t here tonight?” Obvious answer to me
was people have different problems. Got home late from work, car broke
dowm, relatives from out of town or across town showed up unexpected-
ly that you hadn’t seen in years. It could have been a multitude of things
because all people have problems. Nobody answered because I think it
was a rhetorical question. Well here comes the answer. “It’s because they
don’t appreciate spiritual things.” Now this was at least 25 yrs ago. It was
just around the time I was starting to get irked with the whole jw thing. I
remember it was in the dead of winter and I thought I would ask a simple
question of the conductor after the meeting. I asked him how he came to
the conclusion that the absentees had no appreciation of spiritual things?
I said it’s the dead of winter and it’s flu season. It’s freezing outside and
we had a lot of little ones in the congregation at the time. Is it possible that
a lot are sick? He looked kind of sheepish there for a second and said he
hadn’t thought about that. That was about all I said at the time because
he was an elder and I was peon. But it struck me odd for one thing that
he would make a statement like that and then not consider all the possi-
bites that could have been considered for people not being there. But that
is pretty harsh I thought to be a shepherd and say the sheep aren’t here be-
cause they don’t appreciate what’s being provided. I’ve never been a MS
or elder but if my sheep are missing I think I would sincerely try and find
them and see what’s going on. Not degrade them or berate them but show
them I really cared. I don’t believe all shepherds are that way but I’ve seen
a lot worse. Never cared to be over anyone nor cared anything about tell-
ing people what to do. It’s not my nature. My dad and brother were in
supervision at their jobs and I was a warehouse worker at my place of em-
ployment. Union trade. Although now I drive a school bus and in charge of
the kids it’s not the same for me being over them. It’s more like protecting
them, being a nurse to them ( bandaids for cuts) custodian ( throw ups)
referee ( squabbles , fights etc ). Best job I ever had. You know I’ve heard
from the platform worldly kids are bad, out of control always running to do
something wrong or evil. Not so. Yes there are a few but the percentage is
low in my experience. Probably just as low as in jw land. In fact had a jw
kid spit on me one time. He had some social problems but it was a non
issue for me after a day or two. Everybody has their moments. So anyway,
long story short if the leaders and higher ups were truly loving and I mean
in a real sense, I could look over some flaws in doctrine, have a real broth-
erhood where people honestly cared for each other instead of this fake love
where people are scared to say anything because they may end up in the
backroom. I need to quit dreaming.