I had to res this post because all, it is and was about me.
For being in a f'd place in my life and listening to the advice of my dub parents I stayed with him longer than I should have.
The process began a year ago-and as of 1/31/2005 it was officially done.
Best thing I ever did for myself, and a major learning experience.
Joanna's blunt honesty did help, because I needed to hear that from someone, even though I chose to ignore the red flags because no one else in my life would tell me.
The most ironic part of it all, after having them tell me not to take divorce lightly was to have my mom say: You could have told us how hard it was a year ago and divorced him then.
Thanks mom, I like to keep private life private, and thanks for the reverse psychology especially after making me feel guilty as anything for it.
My life now, divorced, happy, exiting the org for good this time around. And absolutely ecstatic to have support from people like Joanna.
Thank you for not giving up on me when everyone else did.